Maarten van Andel - The Green Opportunity

Why drastic energy conservation works better than green energy waste


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We underestimate the size of the necessary energy transition, and overestimate the possibilities of sustainable energy options, like solar and wind. It is a green illusion to think that we can realize the energy transition like we are doing right now. But we also have a green opportunity.

Let’s stop waiting on politicians, entrepreneurs, and scientists. Let’s stop selling climate goals to energy moguls and multinationals. The green opportunity is not technology and infrastructure, but in awareness and a collective behavioral change. That will save more fossil fuels and carbon dioxide than windmills, heat pumps, and electric cars.

The Green Opportunity describes what we can do to save our planet, making it an important sequel to the successful book The Green Illusion.

Published in October 2020 | Paperback | 168 pages | ca. 26,000 words
Over 5,000 copies sold
Dutch edition published by Haystack

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Maarten van Andel is director of Natural Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences and has years of experience as an engineer and manager in the high-tech industry. He collaborated with scientists and experts in companies, governments, and research institutions for international energy and sustainability projects. He calls himself to be climate neutral, both concerned with climate change and the measures meant to save the planet.


‘Easy to read, easy to understand, written for a large audience, an especially for politicians.’ – Dutch Library Services

‘So-called green solutions are not as blissful as we often think (or hope).’ – EcoGoodies

‘While windmills, solar panels, and electric cars are going to save our climate, The Green Opportunity still has a positive message.’ – Eindhovens Dagblad


Part 1, Out of the past

1. From illusion to opportunity
2. From certainties to questions
3. From techno salvation to saving energy

Part 2, In the now
4. From ignorance to insight
5. From talking to doing
6. From others to ourselves
7. From energy to circularity

Part 3, Towards the future
8. From 2020 to 2040
9. Looking through our grandchildren’s eyes
10. From Anthropocene to Symbioscene


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