Tjeu Blommaert & Stephan Vandenbroek - Management in Singularity

How to Manage Organizations When AI, Robots and Big Data Take Over Human Control


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Are you ready for unprecedented acceleration in scientific and technological developments? Innovations and scientific breakthroughs are tripping over each other. Only perception? No, it’s a fact. Drivers of this acceleration can be found in the availability of super computers in new technologies like nanotechnology, 3- and 4D-printing, bionics and artificial intelligence.

To prepare ourselves, we need to change the way we think: linear thinking is to be replaced by exponential thinking. The best answer to the question ‘what’s your plan?’ is perhaps ‘there is no plan, only adaptability to developing circumstances’.

The next software update will not require humans anymore. This point is called Singularity or Transcendence and is foreseen in 2035. Witnessing the current acceleration in technologic developments we are clearly on our way. One thing is for sure: singularity is nearer than you might think.

This book provides insight in important trends & developments and gives a guide to the first crucial steps you and your organization can take in order to be prepared for what has been called ‘The New Normal’. Included is a real-life case on ‘Maxion Wheels’ accelerated innovation journey’.

With a foreword by Rowan Gibson, Global Innovation Leader and bestselling author of The Four Lenses of Innovation: ‘It is a very impressive and valuable work.’

Published in October 2016 | Paperback | 172 pages | ca. 35,000 words
Full English translation available
Winner of a Silver Medal at the Axiom Business Book Awards 2018
Shortlisted for Management Book of the Year

Russian rights sold to Alpina Publishers
English and Dutch editions published by Management Impact

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Tjeu Blommaert was professor of business economics at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. He (co-)authored of dozens of books on business economics and business administration. His company Blommaert Enterprise, located in Maastricht and in Willemstad (Curaçao), offers training and consulting. Tjeu was a distinguished speaker on seminars and conferences and a (part-time) partner at CroweHorwath Foederer auditors & consultants.

Stephan Vandenbroek has a keen eye for opportunity and risk management, and is a financial that has learned to look forward at all times. In the book he co-wrote with Tjeu Blommaert called Trust as the Source of Profit, he explains how future perceptions and industrious behavior are changed by the culture of the company. Stephan is a partner at both Management Meets Singularity and the innovation advisory company Koenen & Co.


'Management in Singularity is required reading for any manager who wants to prepare himself for the future.'
Maurice Franssen, Deloitte Consulting

'Management in Singularity does what it promises: it conquers a position as top management book with exponential velocity. And it’s only logical. You only see of few of this kind of books each year. I read it in 24 hours and I still feel the aftershocks. It is an extraordinary powerful book. Well-written, compact and with depth. The questions at the end of each chapter are valuable for every management team. This book offers a lot to become an exponentially good manager.'
Martin van Staveren, author of Risk Leadership, Everyone is a Risk Manager and Risk-Controlled Working and Risk Management master teacher

'This is a true recommendation, both in content and how that content is displayed, for all managers in profit and non-profit organizations. Short, powerful and with practical examples where possible.'
Peter van der Wel, futurologist, author and co-founder of the Dutch Future Society

'2035 sounds like the distant future, but it’s less than twenty years from now. The moment of singularity is closer than you think. So the authors are right in asking the question: does your management has a shared and founded view on singularity?'
Sjors van Leeuwen, author of CRM in Practice, The Customer in the Driver’s Seat and How Agile is Your Strategy?

‘It is a very impressive and valuable work.’
Rowan Gibson, global innovation leader and bestselling author of The Four Lenses of Innovation


Vision statement: ‘The new normal’

1 We do know now that there is a lot more we do not know than we do know
2 Singularity is much closer than you may think
3 A snapshot of some accelerating developments
4 Reset your mental model
5 The Deming cycle and accelerating environments
6 Be Connected; PLAN
7 How high the waves may be The 3D printing case
8 Grabbing life’s moments of truth The Big Data revolution
9 Get on the fast lane!
10 Driving on the fast lane; DO
11 Culture may eat innovation for lunch!
12 Rules of engagement; CHECK
13 Control in the new era
14 Combining two worlds; dual track systems
15 Be prepared and be ready to ACT
16 Fighting traditional management paradigms
17 Leadership in the New Era: Different times ask for different organizations and different leadership
18 The new management model for Singularity: Connect, Respond, Trust and Accelerate
19 The future of jobs: skills disruption
20 The end of the beginning

Case: Maxion Wheels accelerated Innovation Journey

Epilogue from the authors
About the authors

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Russian translation published by Alpina Publishers:

Как конкурировать и развиваться в эпоху сингулярности

Эта книга является прекрасным дополнением к книгам Рэймонда Курцвейла и Клауса Шваба и будет полезна всем, кто интересуется менеджментом будущего.
Сергей Филонович декан Высшей школы менеджмента НИУ ВШЭ

Чтобы «ухватиться» за будущее, нужно отпустить прошлое: пересмотреть, а во многих случаях забыть старые модели, парадигмы, правила, стратегии, предположения и рецепты успеха. Думаю, главный тезис этой книги звучит так: «Линейное мышление бесполезно в нелинейном мире».
Роуэн Гибсон всемирно известный инноватор, автор множества бестселлеров об инновациях, включая «Четыре линзы инноваций: инструмент для творческого мышления»

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