Ann Dooms - Math |
A Walk Through the Wonderful World of Mathematics | |
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But math is usually the invisible, beating heart in most aspects of our daily lives. Professor Ann Dooms wants to share the power and beauty of math with the common public and presents a tasty buffet of what math has to offer in this book. From eternal truths to computers, from counting on your fingers to browsing through Netflix and Google, from looking in the mirror to calling and paying with your cell phone, from gazing at the stars to taking a selfie, and from computer games to artificial intelligence. You will be amazed how the author succeeds in breathing new life into logic, limits, irrational numbers, equations, derivatives, integrals, and probabilities. |
Ann Dooms studied Math at the Open University of Brussels and eventually became a professor at that university. She leads the Digital Mathematics research group and is specialized in data science, artificial intelligence, and cybercrime. |
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