Sports Injuries - Johan Bellemans

How do you strengthen your body to prevent injuries and how do you heal and recover the best? Read all about it in this Bible.

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Math - Ann Dooms

Math is usually the invisible, beating heart in most aspects of our daily lives. Professor Ann Dooms wants to share the power and beauty of math with the common public and presents a tasty buffet of what math has to offer in this book.

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The Power of Sound - Cedric Engels

Sound is connected to space and acoustics. But also to you personally, and your character: the soundtrack of your life. Sound can also hurt us, and heal us.

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Physics - Lieven Scheire

E = MC2, nuclear fission, the earth’s orbit, and the bizarre behavior of quantum particles, Lieven Scheire explains the most beautiful bits of physics in all their glory. This is the thoroughly updated edition with new chapters, with more delicious physics to enjoy.

Full English AI translation available | Over 15,000 copies sold | Click here for more information

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