Sandra Klijn - What Do You Really Want?

Why You Stay Stuck In An Energy-draining Job and How to Break Free From It


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What Do You Really Want? is a book designed for those who recognize that it’s time to change direction but find themselves uncertain what to do next. “My current occupation no longer aligns with who I want to be, and I’m eager for a transformation, yet I don’t know which steps to take first.”

If you find yourself uncertain about whether you’re in the right place, it doesn’t necessarily imply that you’re in the wrong job. In fact it’s more probable that you’re experiencing a lack of purpose, dedication, and alignment with your fundamental values. This disconnect stems from the disparity between the person you aspire to be and how your current job aligns with that vision. The solution to this mismatch lies in gaining insights into your desires and understanding how they, in conjunction with your skills, personality, and behavior, constitute the essential pieces of the puzzle for a vibrant and fulfilling work life.

Sandra Klijn is a keynote speaker, trainer, university teacher and researcher. During her PhD research, she identified the factors that lead to feeling energized at work.

Published in February 2023 | Paperback | 176 pages | ca. 37,000 words
Full English translation available
English edition published by Santasado
Dutch edition published by Boom uitgevers Amsterdam

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Sandra Klijn researches personal energy at work and has developed a model to explain why one person flourishes in the exact same work environment that gives another person either a burn-out or a bore-out. After working in Sales, Marketing, and HR with various large companies, she has founded her own company in which she offers training and coaching for organizations.

In two articles she explained her model for personal energy at work and tested and validated that model. To share her methodology of personal energy at work with a wider audience, she wrote What Do You Really Want? She is currently a popular speaker and gives lectures at the VU-University of Amsterdam and The School of Life.


“Who doesn’t want to work with more joy and intention? In this excellent book full of practical tips and recognizable examples, Sandra explains how to work with more energy and satisfaction. Recommended for anyone who sometimes struggles with work (that's everyone!).”
Thijs Launspach — Psychologist, speaker, and author of Crazy Busy.

“The exceptional aspect of this book lies, not only in its exploration of the depth and significance of the profound query, what you really want? but more significantly, it guides you in a practical and enjoyable manner towards discovering a concrete answer! Count me as a fan.”
Arjan Vergeer — Author, speaker, and founder of 365 Days Successful.

“Klijn presents a model for determining and achieving one’s true career aspirations in this self-help book. Clear and thought provoking, particularly in her emphasis on the physical element of work. Workers contemplating something new may find much of value in these pages. An often thoughtful and straightforward conception of the costs and benefits of change.”
Kirkus Review click here to read the full review

“The book serves as a tool to deepen conversations with employees about their personal development. After all, you want them to fully utilize their potential.”
Suzanne Nijssen — HR Director at Teva Pharmaceuticals.

“This easily digestible management book serves as a splendid illustration of the practical implications of research. It skillfully elucidates the model of personal energy at work through the use of case studies and amusing anecdotes. Alongside the inclusion of actionable advice and strategies, this book becomes essential reading for anyone struggling with life's fundamental question: What do I truly want?”
Prof. dr. Svetlana Khapova — Full Professor of Careers and Organization Studies, Head of Department Management & Organization at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, author of An Intelligent Career: Taking Ownership of Your Work and Your Life.

“It is unfortunate that many individuals don't pursue their dreams! They allow themselves to be guided by others' expectations, social status, or their own fears. Sandra Klijn powerfully explains the paramount importance of engaging in work that genuinely aligns with your true self.”
Yasmine Esser — Freelance journalist and business coach for freelance writers.

“With, What Do You Really Want?, Sandra has written a light-hearted guide filled with enlightening exercises and practical tips. Read this if you want to reflect on your career!”
Lammert Kamphuis — Philosopher, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of Addicted to Being Right.



Chapter 1. The journey of transformation
1.1 For whom is this book intended?
1.2 The mismatch between the individual and the job
1.3 Why it appears challenging
1.4 Steps to obtain an appropriate work situation
1.5 The career navigation system
1.6 How to read this book

Chapter 2. Personal energy at work
2.1 The four dimensions of energy
2.2 Exertion and recovery

Chapter 3. Core values: the source of what you want
3.1 Core values serve as your guiding compass
3.2 The significance of core values
3.3 How to find your core values
3.4 How to use your core values

Chapter 4. Self-knowledge is the starting point of your career path
4.1 Personal factors leading to your ideal work situation
4.2 Who you are
4.3 What you can do
4.4 What you do

Chapter 5. Your mission
5.1 Heart and head
5.2 What you want
5.3 The context of your ideal work environment

Chapter 6. Change course
6.1 Why you want to change now
6.2 Your career path
6.3 Unlocking the door to becoming your desired self
6.4 Conquering your challenges
6.5 Dare to choose your best life
6.6 Tomorrow's vision

Chapter 7. How to start today
7.1 Ten break through solutions for an energy-draining job
7.2 Time to move on, because you are ready for it

Core values test
Motivation Checklist

About Sandra
What others are saying about Sandra


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