The Leader's Keys - Gabriël AnthonioThe Leader’s Keys features stories based on true events, observations, and a dozen key conversations. Life lessons that Gabriël Anthonio shares with people who, like him, are searching for good leadership. People that are able to be amazed, are curious, and are able to develop themselves.
Life Talks Back - Gabriël AnthonioGabriël Anthonio shares the lessons he learned from his special son, which made him look, listen, think, and feel differently. Not just about leadership, but also about life and how he wants to live it. Life Talks Back invites the reader to give room to surprises and adopt a different perspective sometimes, the perspective of an outsider.
The Mirror for Princes - Gabriël AnthonioThe book is written for leaders, professionals, and other influencers. People that know that they regularly need to take a break and look in the mirror. Moments of silence, observation, and reflection. Moments that are not always easy, but always enrich the observer to become the person you already are deep inside of you.
The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders - Gabriël AnthonioIn The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders you are inspired and challenged to follow your own path in leadership development and take others with you on this journey. To work on leadership with a positive impact on yourself and your environment. The title of this book refers to the pocket knife of Gabriël Anthonio’s grandfather; teacher, and a great coach for old and young.
Human - Trodessa BartonHuman is a notable newcomer in the series of international bestselling books such as The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy and Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury. Full English translation available | |
Writing Towards Consciousness - Leonie Joanne BrownWho are you really? Why are you here? What’s your life's purpose? Writing towards Consciousness takes you on a deeply transforming writing journey to your true self. It's an open invitation to reshape the story of your life.
Me, My Selves, and I - Karin Brugman, Judith Budde & Berry CollewijnIn Me, My Selves and I, the authors invite you to look at yourself in a different light and to consider yourself as a person composed of not one, but of an entire collection of selves. You have different sides, parts or subpersonalities which all see the world with different sets of eyes.
End of Discussion - Roland de Bruijn & Fons TrompenaarsWith End of Discussion and the accompanying online environment you will learn how to successfully take direction in conversations, explore the different opinions, integrate apparent contradictions, and guide the development and innovation.
Have I Got Dirt For You - Dominique J. DarmonHave I Got Dirt For You is filled with scientific insights, real-life examples, and gossip situations from movies, series, and literature. With the help of this book you will learn everything about this inevitable form of communication. And about all the aspects that have an important role in the art of gossiping: finding the perfect balance is the key to success.
Professional Career Coaching - Rozemarijn DolsProfessional Career Coaching is for everyone that deals with career questions. The revised edition offers an up-to-date overview of the most important theories, methods, and techniques, as well as many practical tips. Career counseling, competence coaching, life coaching, career counseling, and coaching through stress and burnout are the topics discussed. The book gives a wide variety of possible career questions and is an indispensable toolbox for every career coach who is ready to professionalize and immerse themselves.
Influence Others, Start With Yourself - Bert van DijkInfluence Others, Start With Yourself uses Leary’s Rose interaction model to give you an insight into the different communication processes. Leary’s Rose is a schematic reproduction of different ways of behaving and the effect this has on other people. With the help of exercises you learn how you can choose to behave differently, how you can manage each situation and obtain the result that you want and still accept the other person for who they are.
The Anti-Complaining Book - Bart FlosFor most people, the glass is always half-empty. They start complaining about the heat on the first day of spring, and every time their salary is raised they start yakking about the new car of the neighbors. Sounds familiar? Then use your natural optimism and eliminate the complaining culture, at home and at work.
You Are The Love - Juriaan GalavaziYou Are The Love guides you towards a life with self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem. It shows that we ignore and overrule all kinds of reflexes, out of the fear for losing something and the need to avoid uncomfortable situations. You will be able to look life straight in the eye and take the necessary steps to learn, grow and develop with curiosity.
The Book of Ideals - Marnix GeusAccording to Marnix Geus, nothing is more motivating than an ideal. Candid and with a sense of humor, Geus shows in The Book of Ideals that no journey is ideal, but if you allow your journey to be guided by ideals, you can be sure that it will become more beautiful, for yourself and for others.
107 Game-Changers for Workday Bliss - Jacky van de GoorScientifically nuts! Based on scientific evidence and insights from positive psychology. Short and simple, in a playful and stimulating package. With instant results. This is not a boring book to read, but a book full of seriously fun exercises for every day and every page features a hand-drawn illustration.
Real Men Work 4 Days - Louis GoulmyThe book advocates alternative employment relationships and experimenting with the work week and a universal basic income. It shakes things up in regards to work and income, and the transition we have entered since the COVID pandemic. In Real Men Work 4 Days, Louis Goulmy offers a refreshing look on how we organize work and income. With answers to the most pressing issues of these times. Click here for more information |
180 Business Hacks - Roel de GraafAdvisor Roel de Graaf (first name is pronounced as 'Rule') summarizes his consults in Business Hacks, a telling illustration with a short explanation. These work so well, he was compelled to select the 180 best Hacks over nine categories. Instant inspiration.
My Birthday is Not My Birthdate - Sam van den HaakChildren being rescued from pitiful circumstances and living happily ever after in a loving new family. It is the romanticized narrative about adoption that people would like to believe. But what is it really like?
The Leadership Matrix - Jeroen Hendrikse & Inga WolframIf you have a stack of unread books on leadership, behavior, and change, The Leadership Matrix is a must-read for you. This book shows how you can summarize the key messages of all the best management books in a matrix. Clearly explained with practical examples from situations and organizations. Click here for more information |
Business Aikido - Peter HoogeveenPeter Hoogeveen is a specialist in human resources and organizational development, and a passionate student and practitioner of Aikido. In Business Aikido he shows how Aikido can help you individually to adopt a more powerful stance, and can help teams to achieve better results collectively. He distilled eight timeless principles from Aikido which are explained in his book with real-life examples and exercises.
The Dirty Tricks of Negotiating - George van HoutemIt might be for a contract worth millions of dollars or just for your kid's allowance. Whether you like it or not, you negotiate every day of your life. But do you really know what you are doing? Do you know the rules of the game, or are you just winging it? After a deal has been struck, most people feel like they got the short-end of the stick, or sometimes like they have been cheated or tricked.
Effective Time Management - Ineke KievitEffective Time Management provides you with practical tools to effectively and efficiently use the time you have. It will help you to find you place in life in well-organized, flexible, and relaxed way.
Meet Your Inner Family - Arienne KlijnIt is time to meet the shields of your inner family. The model works very easy: everyone has an inner family (boy, girl, man, woman) and if you understand how to deal with your family and the families of others, you will understand and change yourself and others much easier.
What Do You Really Want? - Sandra KlijnWhat Do You Really Want? is a book designed for those who recognize that it’s time to change direction but find themselves uncertain what to do next. “My current occupation no longer aligns with who I want to be, and I’m eager for a transformation, yet I don’t know which steps to take first.”
Voodoo - Jitske KramerJitske Kramer is invited by a voodoo priest to spend a week in Togo and experience ancient rituals and voodoo ceremonies. In a midnight ritual she does a naked cleansing in the sacred forest, she dances to the rythm of the gods, learns her fate, gets rid of negative energies and receives leadership lessons from an almost hundred years old voodoo priest who has skulls hanging from his waist.
The Opportunity of Addiction - Arold LangeveldThe Opportunity of Addiction is a new, fresh, and loving perspective on addiction, supported by real-life examples, practical exercises and reflections. A valuable guide to deal both with your own addiction and the addiction of a loved one.
Body Language - Frank van MarwijkNothing beats a personal conversation. But you often mistake the smooth talk and blue eyes of your conversation partner. Get rid of the lies, the doubts, and wrong impressions, and discover how you can see faultlessly through people with body language.
How to Become a Millionaire With a Regular Job - Oeds-Jan PostmaHaving a million in the bank, who wouldn’t dream of this? Never having to work anymore, doing everything you want. But why would you keep dreaming? Anyone can become financially independent. Also on a modest income.
Doing More in Less Time - Jan-Dirk ReijneveldWe all have thing we want to achieve in life, but all too often, these goals are obstructed by endless emails and day-to-day business. Jan-Dirk Reijneveld is the first to combine recent scientific brain studies, behavioral psychology, information processing, and ICT insights. His methods show us how to actually achieve the inspiring goals in your life.
The Power of Preeminence - Paul RulkensIf you want to accelerate your business and career and stand out like a tall giraffe surrounded by tiny field mice, now is the time to get serious and get going. In this book, high performance expert Paul Rulkens offers the best ideas, insights and techniques to get everything you can out of everything you have -- from business growth to maximizing your own performance.
The Choice To Quit - Madoka SawaThere are things that you don't really want to do and don't need to do, but you don't realize it and continue to do them just because you have done them or because you have been doing them for a long time. That is the sunk cost of life.
The IT Girl - Chantal SchinkelsThis book is primarily written for HRM professionals who want to implement SHRM in their organisation, or who want to evaluate and improve their practise of it. Additionally, academics, students, and those interested in HRM measurements are sure to benefit from this exceptional introduction to Sustainable HRM.
Hassle Management - Frank SchurinkYou cannot hide from hassle. It’s everywhere in any situation. That makes hassle a hassle in itself. And a nuisance, because it can ruin your creativity, job satisfaction, and effectiveness. But it is good to know there is a way to make hassle stop being a nuisance.
The SUPERBRAIN Secret - Margriet SitskoornIn The SUPERBRAIN Secret, Margriet Sitskoorn provides ten tips that have been scientifically proven to promote brain development with children. Good brain development is important because it allows children to develop better. The tips together form The SUPERBRAIN Secret and can be applied by everyone.
Train Your CEO Brain - Margriet SitskoornTrain Your CEO Brain and Become Your Best Self explains how you can use the plasticity of your brain to develop yourself. This book links theory to practice, and includes targeted exercises to train your executive brain.
Dream Dare Do - Dr. Ben TylerWhat is needed to change the phase of dreaming, into daring and – finally – into doing? What is the secret of real, permanent change? Dr. Ben Tyler gives clear answers. Based on current psychological insights, practical experience and personal stories of people who have learned – with ups and downs – to manage themselves.
The Ladder - Dr. Ben TylerAnyone with a bit of life experience will know that real change – at work and at home – isn’t easy. But based on his smart and simple model – The Ladder – Ben Tyler shows you how to set goals that do work, how to choose behavior that will lead to success and what support does help you change. This book is packed with the very best up-to-date insights from the field of behavioral science. Accessible, practical and effective. Bonus: Includes a checklist with over 80 evidence based tips on behavior change!
This Is Your Year! - Dr. Ben TylerEvery year, millions of people want to give both their work and private lives a positive impulse. Many people fail, but some do succeed. What are they doing differently, what does research teach us?
Full-time Adventuress - Tamar ValkenierFrom her home town in the Netherlands Tamar’s journey takes her across Europe to Istanbul by bicycle as she discovers and simultaneously pushes her physical and psychological limits. From tearful and often confusing goodbyes we share her apprehension of the unknown, follow as her confidence and skillset grows and experience the unimaginable fulfillment of a completely new existence.
Making An Impact With Humor - Malinca VerwielMaking An Impact With Humor is filled with examples and practical humoristic tools to assure that your audience learns something from you in a fun and light way. Inspire your listeners and make them become an ambassador for your message. Without acting like a preacher. The book is for speakers, coaches, and other professionals who spend a lot of time presenting. This is an addictive method to impact your audience with humor.
Your Life Really Matters! - Erwin VreedeveldDo you want a better grip on life? Then follow your heart’s desire. Your Life Really Matters! is an eye opener for everyone that wants to follow their passion in life and become the person they were meant to be.
Super Sleep - Floris WoutersonIf you identify sleeping problems in advance you can prevent (long-term) absence. Good sleep is the key factor for quicker recovery, agile employees, and increased happiness at work. One bad night is not a problem, but long-term sleeping problems increase your chances of a burnout or prediabetes. Stressed out, having difficulty falling asleep, waking up in a broken condition? Then this is the book for you! Click here for more information |
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