Dr. Ben Tyler - The Ladder

Successful Change in Work and Life


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Anyone with a bit of life experience will know that real change – at work and at home – isn’t easy. But based on his smart and simple model – The Ladder – Ben Tyler shows you…
  • How to set goals that do work;
  • How to choose behavior that will lead to success;
  • What support does help you change.

This book is packed with the very best up-to-date insights from the field of behavioral science. Accessible, practical and effective.

Bonus: Includes a checklist with over 80 evidence based tips on behavior change!

Published in June 2018 | Hardcover | 144 pages | ca. 35,000 words
Over 50,000 copies sold
Full English translation available

Russian rights sold to Mann Ivanov Ferber
Chinese rights sold to Publishing House of Electronics Industry
Korean rights sold to Joongangilbo Plus
Dutch and English editions published by TRP

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Dr. Ben Tyler is a best-selling author, international speaker, and behavioral scientist. He has been studying leadership, behavior, and change for more than thirty years.

Best-selling author
• Eight of Ben's books have topped the Dutch Management top 100.
• Ben writes a weekly column for Dutch national newspaper NRC and hosts a weekly radio show on Dutch national radio station BNR.

International speaker
• Ben is regarded as one of the top speakers and teachers in his field and has delivered seminars all over the world.
• He is a visiting professor at IE Business School, one of the top-ranking business schools in Europe (according to the Financial Times, The Economist, Forbes, and Business Week).
• He has also given guest lectures at, among others, Harvard University, Nyenrode Business University, Rotterdam School of Management, and Vlerick Business School.

Behavioral scientist
• Ben has a Master’s degree in Communication studies from the University of Amsterdam.
• He earned his Ph.D. in Economics and Business Studies at VU University Amsterdam, conducting field studies on behavioral change in organizations.
• After this, he studied at Harvard University and University College London.


'Ben Tyler deeply cares about the challenges we face in becoming better leaders, in changing our lives and in making a real contribution. Ben’s unique talent is his ability to translate sound scientific research into inspirational, practical advice.'
Dr. Stephen R. Covey

'Ben Tyler doesn’t just inspire you to Dream, Dare, Do—he also teaches you skills and techniques that can turn your good intentions into reality.'
Dr. Ken Blanchard

'Ben Tyler is an inspiring trainer and writer in the field of human behavior and change. You will find his books and ideas extremely practical, very realistic and fun to read!'
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

'He once again distinguishes himself with a book that is practically applicable, while the subject is a difficult one for most people. This is the author's biggest strength and the basis for his success and I am curious what else Ben Tyler has to offer.'
Wiemer Renkema, Managementboek.nl

'A very practical book about change, full of tips, all linked to scientific research. So everything is reliable. Ben Tyler is encouraging, personal and very clear -- behavior is key and you should design your environment in such a way that it supports you fully. Reading The Ladder is almost like talking with a very good friend. The tone of voice and the practical advices urge you to start applying the theories right away. I truly recommend the book for everyone who wants to take a good look at themselves and wishes to start achieving their goals. Your chances of success increase tenfold if you are able to translate your goals to actual behavior. And I want to thank Ben Tyler for summarizing thirty years of research into such a good, compact, readable and enthusiastic book.'
Ruerdje van Mierlo, Managementboek.nl


1. The whole story in a few minutes
2. Why change is so important
3. Why changing behavior is so difficult
4. The Ladder; 3 steps towards change
5. The top step - setting a goal
6. The middle step - defining behavior
7. The bottom step - organizing support
8. The Ladder in practice

A checklist for behavior change (with over 80 tips)
About Ben Tyler

Click here for more information

Russian translation published by Mann Ivanov Ferber:

Один из самых авторитетных мировых экспертов по поведению и изменениям Бен Тайлер предлагает собственную концепцию, которая состоит всего из трех шагов и помогает добиваться реальных перемен.

Успех любого человека или бизнеса зависит от способности меняться. Компания, которая хочет оставаться лидером в своей области, должна непрерывно внедрять инновации. Человеку, стремящемуся к карьерному или личностному росту, нужно предпринимать для этого какие-то действия.

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