Leadership and Psychological Safety in Teams - Goof van AmelsvoortTraumatized teams behave similarly and that drains energy from the team. Luckily, there are ways to work on the recovery of trauma. In fact, it offers opportunities to flourish as a team like never before. Leadership and Psychological Safety in Teams offers insights and practical tools for a team manager or a team member to shape the post-traumatic growth of your team. Click here for more information |
Rickshaw's Journey - Marius AppelmanIn 2000, Marius Appelman resigned from his role as consultant with a large corporation. Not knowing much about the travel industry, he founded Rickshaw Travel from a pressing need to do things differently than his former employer.
The Leader's Keys - Gabriël AnthonioThe Leader’s Keys features stories based on true events, observations, and a dozen key conversations. Life lessons that Gabriël Anthonio shares with people who, like him, are searching for good leadership. People that are able to be amazed, are curious, and are able to develop themselves.
Life Talks Back - Gabriël AnthonioGabriël Anthonio shares the lessons he learned from his special son, which made him look, listen, think, and feel differently. Not just about leadership, but also about life and how he wants to live it. Life Talks Back invites the reader to give room to surprises and adopt a different perspective sometimes, the perspective of an outsider.
The Mirror for Princes - Gabriël AnthonioThe book is written for leaders, professionals, and other influencers. People that know that they regularly need to take a break and look in the mirror. Moments of silence, observation, and reflection. Moments that are not always easy, but always enrich the observer to become the person you already are deep inside of you.
The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders - Gabriël AnthonioIn The Swiss Army Knife for Leaders you are inspired and challenged to follow your own path in leadership development and take others with you on this journey. To work on leadership with a positive impact on yourself and your environment. The title of this book refers to the pocket knife of Gabriël Anthonio’s grandfather; teacher, and a great coach for old and young.
Slowing Down to Speed Up - Arend ArdonSlowing Down to Speed Up is a book for everyone who wants to contribute from personal leadership to a powerful and positive movement in a learning and reflective manner. Click here for more information |
How to Grow as a People Manager - Mieke AudenaertHow to Grow as a People Manager aims to develop your people management skills. The author builds on new insights from scientific research. She also provides cases, inspiring examples, self-assessments and practical tips.
The Secret Leadership of Eldest Daughters - Aike BorghuisWhat do Angela Merkel, Oprah Winfrey, and Brené Brown have in common? They are leaders and eldest daughters. Most eldest daughters don’t think of themselves as leaders, but they are. They take it for granted that they run the organization of build a successful business. In fact they are often modest about their own role and critical of what they could or should do better. #1 Bestselling Management Book in the Netherlands in 2023 | Click here for more information |
Polarisation - Bart BrandsmaPolarisation is a practical method for professionals to deal with us versus them dynamics in communication, journalism, politics, government, management, education, police and nearly every branche that has to find an answer for the growing polarisation.
The Corporate Tribe - Danielle Braun & Jitske KramerNo challenge is entirely new. In 60,000 years of human existence, nearly every problem we face in modern business has already been seen… and solved. We just have to figure out how to apply that age-old tribal wisdom to our current circumstances.
End of Discussion - Roland de Bruijn & Fons TrompenaarsWith End of Discussion and the accompanying online environment you will learn how to successfully take direction in conversations, explore the different opinions, integrate apparent contradictions, and guide the development and innovation.
Neuro Management - Sven GallNeuro Management introduces a revolutionary management paradigm grounded in neuroscience. It aligns with natural human motivations and cognitive biases, providing leaders with the tools to leverage dopamine-driven impulses to meet organizational goals. Click here for more information |
Decisions by Design - Marjolijn de Graaf & Edwin de GraafDecisions by Design is a simple and powerful tool to achieve active participation and the best and the most sustainable decisions. Four design steps lead you as game changer in a collaborative and interactive manner with all stakeholders to crucial and supported decisions which acknowledges all different perspectives and truths.
180 Business Hacks - Roel de GraafAdvisor Roel de Graaf (first name is pronounced as 'Rule') summarizes his consults in Business Hacks, a telling illustration with a short explanation. These work so well, he was compelled to select the 180 best Hacks over nine categories. Instant inspiration.
The Leadership Matrix - Jeroen Hendrikse & Inga WolframIf you have a stack of unread books on leadership, behavior, and change, The Leadership Matrix is a must-read for you. This book shows how you can summarize the key messages of all the best management books in a matrix. Clearly explained with practical examples from situations and organizations. Click here for more information |
Leading With Lean - Philip HoltIn Leading with Lean, Philip Holt shows us the best ways to arrange a high-performance organization, and gives us simple tools and insights for each leader to aspire to greatness, for themselves and for their teams.
The Simplicity of Lean - Philip HoltThe Simplicity of Lean is a step-by-step guide to the Lean Thinking that makes your organization more efficient and effective. The book offers the necessary context of how to apply Lean Thinking to make your Lean Transformation successful. Alongside the theory and the practical application of Lean, Philip also shares his personal insights and experiences, as well as individual success stories (and failures) from various Lean leaders from across the world. The Simplicity of Lean is the perfect guide to make your Lean journey a resounding success.
Evolutionary Leadership - Leonie van HooftOrganizations that want to be relevant in the future can only cope with the challenges we currently face with a completely different way of thinking and acting. We need the realization that we are one world, a fact that transcends the individual, nation, and continental interests. And that we have to learn the lessons from each other’s global wisdom to address our common interests. Value-driven and striving for well-being. Not each man for themselves but connected with each other and our environment.
Formula X - Jurriaan Kamer & Rini van SolingenFormula X is a business fable about speed, leadership and organizational change. Many organizations struggle to adapt to our fundamentally faster world. For companies and professionals, it often feels like they have to make an ultimate choice: quality or speed. But speed does not have to result in bad work―and Formula 1 motor racing proves this.
An Officer in Afghanistan - Esmeralda KleinreesinkIn An Officer in Afghanistan Lieutenant-Colonel Esmeralda Kleinreesink offers a unique insight behind the scenes of an international military headquarters. She describes the frustrations, bureaucracy, constant tension, and how political decisions have an effect on the daily military reality.
Building Tribes - Jitske Kramer & Danielle BraunBuilding Tribes is the next step after the prizewinning book The Corporate Tribe, a new book with organizational lessons from anthropology. In Building Tribes Jitske Kramer and Danielle Braun answer the question of How? How do you create a culture of excellence, how do you change an organization into a tribe, which anthropological lessons can you apply as a leader, a game changer, or consultant?
Jam Cultures - Jitske Kramer‘Kramer sets out a clear path for better understanding and more inclusive cultures.’ – Financial Times To solve complex problems, we need multiple angles and perspectives. And the courage to challenge our status quo by working with people who think differently. Inclusion is about co-creation. About the courage to invite people from various backgrounds to the table and to listen to all views. It requires us to deal with opposing forces to reach the highest goals.
Change Behavior - Thijs LeenmanIn Change Behavior, Thijs Leenman takes us through the most important conclusions from fifty years of organizational psychology, clinical psychology, and psychotherapy. These surprising insights are hardly ever applied on the work floor. Click here for more information |
Hidden Connections - Margreet OostenbrinkInspired by heavyweight thinkers from the worlds of psychology and organisational science, along with many years of practical experience, Hidden Connections will encourage you to take a systemic look at things. Examples taken from everyday work situations and practical drills will help you understand and recognise the underlying connections.
Sustainable Business Management - Karolien Van RielThis book is meant to share the current state of affairs and give an extensive overview of relevant theories and ideas on sustainability, on an economic, social and environmental level. This book is an invitation for students and anyone who’s interested to learn about sustainability, to get informed and share their thoughts with one another.
The Perfect Match - Kirsten de RooIn The Perfect Match you learn how to avoid your prejudices, the criteria with which you can select your dream candidate, and how to make sure that your new employees don’t run away screaming but can evolve to the key factor of the success of your company.
The Power of Preeminence - Paul RulkensIf you want to accelerate your business and career and stand out like a tall giraffe surrounded by tiny field mice, now is the time to get serious and get going. In this book, high performance expert Paul Rulkens offers the best ideas, insights and techniques to get everything you can out of everything you have -- from business growth to maximizing your own performance.
Train Your CEO Brain - Margriet SitskoornTrain Your CEO Brain and Become Your Best Self explains how you can use the plasticity of your brain to develop yourself. This book links theory to practice, and includes targeted exercises to train your executive brain.
The Beekeeper - Rini van SolingenMore and more organizations introduce self-managing teams. Managers need to initiate and guide that transformation, although it's often unclear what their roles will be afterwards. And if a manager does not change with it, they could become an obstacle instead of a motivating factor.
TopTeams - Katja Staartjes & Menno BoermansTopTeams is a unique cooperation between author Katja Staartjes and photographer Menno Boermans. Their experiences, texts and images produces valuable insights and inspiration on leadership, teamwork and change management. Katja Staartjes was the first Dutch woman to reach the top of Mount Everest and has leaded small expeditions in the Himalayas ever since.
Good Talk - Daniel Stillman'A rich, thoughtful and useful handbook for designing conversations that create meaningful change.' - Dave Gray, co-author of Gamestorming 'An intriguing examination of a form of communication that’s often taken for granted.' - Kirkus Review
Dream Dare Do - Dr. Ben TylerWhat is needed to change the phase of dreaming, into daring and – finally – into doing? What is the secret of real, permanent change? Dr. Ben Tyler gives clear answers. Based on current psychological insights, practical experience and personal stories of people who have learned – with ups and downs – to manage themselves.
The Ladder - Dr. Ben TylerAnyone with a bit of life experience will know that real change – at work and at home – isn’t easy. But based on his smart and simple model – The Ladder – Ben Tyler shows you how to set goals that do work, how to choose behavior that will lead to success and what support does help you change. This book is packed with the very best up-to-date insights from the field of behavioral science. Accessible, practical and effective. Bonus: Includes a checklist with over 80 evidence based tips on behavior change!
This Is Your Year! - Dr. Ben TylerEvery year, millions of people want to give both their work and private lives a positive impulse. Many people fail, but some do succeed. What are they doing differently, what does research teach us?
Collaborate or Die - James Veenhoff & Martijn PaterIn this practical, action-oriented, and easy to read book, Martijn Pater and James Veenhoff take us on a step-by-step journey towards impact. Building on over 15 years of international experience with corporates, startups, NGOs and governments, they de-mystify the term co-creation, describe the key types and trends and share the Five Guiding Principles.
Remote Leadership - Gonny VinkGonny Vink shows how you can cooperate with people, despite the distance. Read how you turn a group of employees into a team, even if they hardly meet each other physically. And learn how you can exchange information and make clear appointments and agreements at work. Click here for more information |
Leading With Obeya - Tim WiegelLeading With Obeya is the first comprehensive book about how to do it right. Tim Wiegel is a dedicated Obeya coach who has witnessed firsthand the breakthrough changes within teams when strategy leads to meaningful action and performance. 'Leading With Obeya is an engaging read to making the transition from traditional to visual management possible.' - Patrick van der Pijl, CEO Business Models Inc., speaker, author of Design a Better Business and Business Model Shift, producer of Business Model Generation
Society 4.0 - Bob de WitIn a concise and powerful book, Prof. Dr. Bob de Wit offers two key aspects for any organization and manager: an insightful interpretation of the current state of the world, and a powerful scenario for our future society, a society built and supported by citizens. Society 4.0, Resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society is meant to provide inspiration for those who wish to build a vital and hopeful future for the next generations.
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