Danielle Braun & Jitske Kramer - The Corporate Tribe

Organization lessons from anthropology


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No challenge is entirely new. In 60,000 years of human existence, nearly every problem we face in modern business has already been seen…and solved. We just have to figure out how to apply that age-old tribal wisdom to our current circumstances.

The Corporate Tribe will take you on a journey to discover the essence of culture and the secret to successful change programs. Along the way, it will introduce you to the cultural traditions of different people across the globe and provide you with the practical tools you need to apply what you find to today’s organizations. Through thirty compelling stories, The Corporate Tribe will reveal what, deep down, you already know.

At turns unfamiliar and disruptive, illuminating and inspirational, The Corporate Tribe offers a powerful paradigm and skillset for tackling organizational and leadership challenges in the twenty-first century and beyond. It is a book for leaders, consultants and advisors who are looking for a fresh perspective and proven solutions, for those who want to build strong communities that are safe for diversity and ready for change.

Danielle Braun and Jitske Kramer are corporate anthropologists. They look at organizations as tribes, organizational charts as kinship systems, leaders as chiefs and mission documents as totem poles. Travel with them to places where spirits linger after death, magic is real and rituals are the key to maintaining order and facilitating transition. You will never look at your organization—or approach its problems—the same way again.

Published in December 2015 | Hardcover | With illustrations | 340 pages | ca. 55,000 words
Over 40,000 copies sold
Full English translation available
Winner of Management Book of the Year

English rights sold to Routledge
German rights sold to Schäffer-Poeschel
Russian rights sold to Alpina Publishers
Vietnamese rights sold to Nha Nam
Dutch edition published by Management Impact

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Danielle Braun and Jitske Kramer are the co-authors of Building Tribes and The Corporate Tribe that won the Management Book of the Year Award in 2016, sold over 35,000 copies and is published in US and UK (Routledge), Germany (Schäffer-Poeschel), Russia (Alpina), Vietnam (Nha Nam), and the Netherlands (Management Impact).

Danielle Braun is an expert in the fields of leadership, change and organizational culture. After her studies in African and Asian witchcraft and religions, she did her PhD in leadership and organizational culture, focusing on the Dutch police force. A highly sought-after speaker who takes you on an unforgettable journey, Danielle is co-founder and director of the Culture Academy. She is the author of Patterns and That’s Crazy, on how we perceive normal and abnormal.

Jitske Kramer is an expert in the fields of diversity, international teamwork and corporate culture. As a trained ethnographer, she did research in Botswana and Uganda before becoming an organizational consultant. She is the best-selling author of Deep Democracy, Managing Cultural Dynamics, Wow! What a Difference, Jam Cultures, Voodoo and Work Has Left the Building.


'A wonderful perspective on how organizations work today.'
Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why, Find Your Why and The Infinite Game

'Nothing has prepared me more for my career as a writer and a journalist than my studies in anthropology. I cannot think of a field that wouldn’t benefit from anthropological insights. In making these insights available to organizations and their leaders, Braun and Kramer have fulfilled an essential and dire need.'
Joris Luyendijk, author of Swimming With Sharks


Part 1 Culture Creates Order from Chaos
1. Where To Find "Organizational Culture"
2. Through the Eyes of the Anthropologist

Part II It Happens in the Relationships
3. Relationships with Others in Our Own Group
3.1 Organization Chart as Kinship System
3.2 New Ways of Working
3.3 Rewarding, Punishing and Motivating
4 Relationships with Leaders and Power
5. Relationships with Outsiders, Customers and Competitors
6. Relationships with Time, Space and the Cosmos
7. Relationships with Relationships

Part III Cultural Transitions – Building and Moving a Totem
9. Cultural Continuity
10. Cultural Reorientation
11. Cultural Healing
12. Cultural Transformation
14. I Went on a Journey of Change and I Took with Me…

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English translation published by Routledge:

No challenge is entirely new. In 60,000 years of human existence, nearly every problem we face in modern business has already been seen… and solved. We just have to figure out how to apply that age-old tribal wisdom to our current circumstances.

The Corporate Tribe will take you on a journey to discover the essence of culture and the secret to successful change programs. Along the way, it will introduce you to the cultural traditions of different people across the globe and provide you with the practical tools you need to apply what you find to today’s organizations. Through thirty compelling stories, The Corporate Tribe will reveal what, deep down, you already know.

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German translation published by Schäffer-Poeschel:

Genauso wie unsere Gesellschaften Kulturen haben, so haben auch Unternehmen eine Kultur. Sie vertreten Werte, legen Regelungen für das Verhalten und verbindliche Normen fest. Aber lassen sich diese Systeme miteinander vergleichen? Und welche Schlüsse kann man daraus ziehen?

Die Kulturanthropologinnen untersuchen in ihrem Buch menschliche Verhaltensmuster verschiedener Kulturen und übertragen ihre Erkenntnisse auf Organisationen. In 30 Geschichten nehmen sie den Leser mit auf eine Reise durch fremde Völker und betrachten Organisationen aus einem anderen, neuen Blickwinkel. Ihre Einblicke liefern spannende Modelle für die Veränderung und Führung von Organisationen.

Corporate Tribe ist ein Buch für Führungskräfte, Berater, Trainer und Coaches, die die etablierten Modelle hinter sich lassen wollen und nach kulturellen Veränderungen in Unternehmen suchen.

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Russian translation published by Alpina Publishers:

Это увлекательное путешествие в мир людей, сформированных культурой и формирующих культуру компаний, в которых они работают. Чем глубже в этот мир погружаешься, тем яснее становится, насколько значимы и важны детали и нюансы, благодаря которым и формируется сильное и устойчивое к изменениям корпоративное племя.
Марина Деревлева - начальник управления по подбору и развитию персонала X5 Retail Group

Уверен, что этой книгой мы открываем новую страницу в исследованиях организационной культуры и целую эпоху в практиках трансформации российских компаний.
Марк Кукушкин - старший партнер компании «Тренинг-бутик», партнер компаний Best T&D Group и АSR, автор проектов «Открытый тренерский университет Марка Кукушкина» (ОТУМКА) и «ПиР: фестиваль практик развития», сопредседатель комиссии НАСДОБР по сертификации бизнес-тренеров

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Vietnamese translation published by Nha Nam:

Cuốn sách của hai nhà nhân học doanh nghiệp người Hà Lan đã vận dụng những tri thức của ngành Nhân học (Anthropology) để phân tích các tổ chức và doanh nghiệp đang hoặc phải trải qua quá trình chuyển đổi mô hình văn hóa đầy khó khăn. Sách trang bị những tri thức, những công cụ và kỹ thuật tư duy để nhận thức các vấn đề và những con đường, phương pháp để thực hiện thành công quá trình chuyển đổi mô hình văn hóa nhằm đưa doanh nghiệp vượt qua những thách thức khó khăn trong quá trình phát triển.

Dưới hình thức kể chuyện, các tác giả dẫn dắt độc giả qua các câu chuyện thú vị về nhân học, từ đó cho thấy dưới lớp vỏ huyền bí hay thậm chi là kỷ dị, các phong tục, tập quán, nghi lễ, tín ngưỡng... của các dân tộc, chứa đựng sự thông thái của cổ nhân để đối phó với những vấn đề phổ quát của cuộc sống - sự thay đổi, lãnh đạo, hình thành cộng đồng, sáp nhập, sinh và tử...

Cuốn sách thú vị và bổ ích không chi cho các nhà quản trị, các nhà nghiên cứu nhân học và xã hội học nói chung, mà cho cả độc giả rộng rãi, những người quan tâm hay thích tìm hiểu những bí ẩn trong cuộc sống quần thể của con người.

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