Leontine van Hooft - Evolutionary Leadership

About Ubuntu, lessons for brave leaders and innovative organizations that want to matter


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Organizations that want to be relevant in the future can only cope with the challenges we currently face with a completely different way of thinking and acting. We need the realization that we are one world, a fact that transcends the individual, nation, and continental interests. And that we have to learn the lessons from each other’s global wisdom to address our common interests. Value-driven and striving for well-being. Not each man for themselves but connected with each other and our environment.

I am because we are

Ubuntu, the ancient African philosophy about humanity and connection, adopted by people like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu has become a global philosophy used in a growing number of fields, like management and leadership. Ubuntu helps organizations and their leaders to find answers to the big issues and simultaneously creates happier companies in which people flourish and perform above expectations.

‘Ubuntu leadership has been the core of our family business and the time is now to share this knowledge and experience with others in true Ubuntu style. Evolutionary Leadership uses ten lessons and examples from our own experience and international cases to clearly show what Ubuntu can mean for organizations that know that things have to change.’

Published in August 2023 | Hardcover | 128 pages | ca. 25,000 words
Longlisted for Management Book of the Year
Dutch edition published by Van Duuren Media

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Leontine van Hooft is corporate anthropologist, inclusive entrepreneur, inspiring speaker, and author of the books The Power of African Thinking and The Way to Gross Global Happiness. She is the member of several Boards and is guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Philosophy and other institutions.


‘It is becoming painfully clear that the trinity of individualism, liberalism, and materialism are not future-proof. This book is an anthology of the universal strength of Ubuntu and the evolutionary leadership with which we can discover new ways for survival.’
Kees Klomp, lecturer and author

‘The mentality that Ubuntu represents influences all aspects of society. This book shows how things can change and it is well worth reading.’
Jan Terlouw, former member of Parliament and author


A call to action

Why Ubuntu, what is Ubuntu, and what is Ubuntu leadership? – the theory

1. A rough awakening
2. Ubuntu, community well-being as guidance
3. Evolutionary Ubuntu leadership

Ten tribal survival lessons for organizations – the practice

Lesson 1. Connect your organization with what you contribute to a better world
Lesson 2. Create a tribe in which the source flows automatically
Lesson 3. Go for infectious happiness
Lesson 4. No innovation without diversity and inclusion
Lesson 5. Build circles instead of pyramids
Lesson 6. leKgotla method: choose decision-making from support
Lesson 7. Always share the truth
Lesson 8. Secure the dignity of the organization
Lesson 9. You don’t play to win but to contribute
Lesson 10. Be a good ancestor

Sources of inspiration
About the author
Previously published

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