Katja Staartjes (author) & Menno Boermans (photographer) - TopTeams

Moving Mountains Together


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In the mountains, you are living and working together at the edge of a knife. This gives us valuable insights on leadership, teamwork and change management.

TopTeams is a unique cooperation between author Katja Staartjes and photographer Menno Boermans. Their experiences, texts and images produces valuable insights and inspiration on leadership, teamwork and change management. Katja Staartjes was the first Dutch woman to reach the top of Mount Everest and has leaded small expeditions in the Himalayas ever since. She combines insights from leadership and teamwork in the mountains to her previous experiences in management. She shares this knowledge both as an author, as a coach and as a speaker. Menno Boermans climbs mountains all over the world, accompanied with his camera. To descend he’ll either ski, run, cycle, or fly. His photographs have internationally been published in National Geographic. He is a medic for rescue teams in both Alaska and Switzerland, a job where teamwork is crucial.

Published in October 2019 | Paperback | With photographs | 352 pages | ca. 47,000 words
Over 5,000 copies sold
Shortlisted for Management Book of the Year
Dutch edition published by Management Impact

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Katja Staartjes was the first Dutch woman to reach the top of Mount Everest and has led small expeditions in the Himalayas ever since. She combines insights from leadership and teamwork in the mountains to her previous experiences in management. She shares this knowledge both as an author, as a coach and as a speaker.

Menno Boermans climbs mountains all over the world, accompanied with his camera. To descend he’ll either ski, run, cycle, or fly. His photographs have internationally been published in National Geographic. He is a medic for rescue teams in both Alaska and Switzerland, a job where teamwork is crucial.


‘Katja Staartjes takes you along to the tops of ‘eight-thousanders’ and with the beautiful photographs from Menno Boermans this book isn’t just eye candy, but it also shows you what working together and leadership mean in these extreme conditions. Katja’s stories from her own climbing expeditions give the book a personal and human touch.’
Management Book of the Year jury

‘Truly a magnificent book that is easy to read and original in writing, illustrated with the beautiful photos and clear quotes that gave me the spirit to read the whole book in one evening.’
Corinne Klaver, Expand

‘Team work is top sport. With her climbing expeditions, Katja Staartjes shares important management lessons. Her stories and lessons are exemplified by the beautiful pictures of Menno Boermans.’
Frank van Kuijck, Managementbook.nl

‘I rarely see a book on leadership and cooperation that are so beautiful and lively. A true recommendation for every leader, project leader and team coach – and also a wonderful gift to receive or give away.’
Ans Tros, School For Coaching

‘A rare feat that I have read this management book breathlessly! (pun intended.)’
Elly Stroo Cloeck, Managementbook.nl

‘Beautiful and compelling stories and photos and translated from the adventures to the board rooms and the work floor.’
Danielle Braun, Academy for Organizational Culture

‘Katja Staartjes’ personal experiences and her honesty in sharing them make this book worthwhile to read. The breathtaking photos by Menno Boermans and the beautiful design make it even more enjoyable. And don’t forget the bonus to imagine yourself in the heroic efforts of conquering the Himalayas without leaving your warm desk or couch.’
Twan van de Kerkhof, read the full article here


Who’s who
Reading guide

Goal / Course / Preparation
Size / Profile / Direction
Base camp
Energy / Trust / Communication
Leadership / Cooperation / Team development
Commitment / Resilience / Boundaries
Celebrating / Reflection / Grow path


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