Bart Flos - The Anti-Complaining Book

First aid against nagging and whining


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Don’t let the nagging and whining of colleagues, family, or friends ruin your day any longer. Discover how you crush their complaining.

For most people, the glass is always half-empty. They start complaining about the heat on the first day of spring, and every time their salary is raised they start yakking about the new car of the neighbors. Sounds familiar? Then use your natural optimism and eliminate the complaining culture, at home and at work.

Published in November 2010 | Paperback | 184 pages | ca. 38,000 words
Over 15,000 copies sold
Full English AI translation available
Dutch edition published by Haystack

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Bart Flos has developed himself from crisis manager in large organizations to professional Complaining Coach. He knows like no other why people complain and how he can divert their negative thoughts.


‘Now what? Not this again? Always the same thing. You again. I’m getting sick with this. And we can continue this list of complaining. The complaining of others can influence our mood in strange ways. How is it possible that complaining achieve this, and how can we make sure that this changes? For who has been complaining about this for years, whine no longer and just read this book!’ – O&O, Magazine for Human Resources Development

‘I enjoyed this book immensely. Anti-complaining is an interesting topic in today’s negativity. An actual and timeless theme to dive into in times of increased polarization. The book is easy to read, full of interesting pieces of information, and lots of applicable tips. The examples are recognizable and regularly put a smile on your face while reading. When people complain to you, you know what to do and what to say, and it will also help when you yourself are the one who complains (too much). A true recommendation for anyone who needs more positivity in their lives. I will implement the ideas of course!’ – Y. van Dun

The Anti-Complaining Book is a remarkable publication. The topic is its true power: complaining. Everybody does it and we all know someone who is nagging constantly. That is why this book will appeal to everyone. With its tips and tricks you can stop the complainers in your surroundings. With anecdotes and examples you learn how to do this the best. Everyone can learn something from this book.’ – Managementboek.nl



1 What is complaining?
About whining, nagging, pushing, and bitching
The most popular complaining topics top-10
Anti-complaining for beginners
Become an anti-complainer too

2 Why do we complain?
High expectations
Modern age comfort
The need for attention and recognition
Eyes wide shut against the positive
Peer pressure
Thinking that complaining is normal
Sheepishly leading the life you don’t want to
Being unsatisfied, silly, and scared
Being an introvert by worrying and doubting

3 Unmask the complainer
How do you recognize the complainer?
How much do you complain?
How much do others complain?

4 Deal with your own complaining
Having a good conversation with yourself
What to do when you cannot stop doing it?

5 Deal with the complaining of others
The power of the positive
The smart diversion
Attention for the emotion
Listening, reflecting, and repetition
The power of the smile
Go back to the source
The power of the unexpected
The referral
Take the back door route through the why

6 Complaining disaster emergency tools
The self-fulfilling prophecy
The sober reality
Acceptance and resignation
Confront the complainer with the consequences of their complaining


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