Influence Others, Start With Yourself - Bert van Dijk

Influence Others, Start With Yourself uses Leary’s Rose interaction model to give you an insight into the different communication processes. Leary’s Rose is a schematic reproduction of different ways of behaving and the effect this has on other people. With the help of exercises you learn how you can choose to behave differently, how you can manage each situation and obtain the result that you want and still accept the other person for who they are.

Over 50,000 copies sold | Published in English, Chinese and Dutch | Click here for more information


The Anti-Complaining Book - Bart Flos

For most people, the glass is always half-empty. They start complaining about the heat on the first day of spring, and every time their salary is raised they start yakking about the new car of the neighbors. Sounds familiar? Then use your natural optimism and eliminate the complaining culture, at home and at work.

Full English AI translation available | Over 15,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


Don't Think About a Pink Elephant - Sarah Gagestein

Our brain is defenseless to the convincing power of the words and images we believe in. By using this effect and cleverly framing your ideas, you can, just like successful politicians and advertisers, convince people subconsciously. Don’t try to manipulate, but make your message recognizable in a way that they immediately agree with you.

Over 10,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


Neuro Management - Sven Gall

Neuro Management introduces a revolutionary management paradigm grounded in neuroscience. It aligns with natural human motivations and cognitive biases, providing leaders with the tools to leverage dopamine-driven impulses to meet organizational goals.

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107 Game-Changers for Workday Bliss - Jacky van de Goor

Scientifically nuts! Based on scientific evidence and insights from positive psychology. Short and simple, in a playful and stimulating package. With instant results. This is not a boring book to read, but a book full of seriously fun exercises for every day and every page features a hand-drawn illustration.

English sample translation available | Over 20,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


The Art of Designing Behaviour - Astrid Groenewegen

This book is both a masterclass and a toolbox combined. You are trained in an accessible method, and will learn what principles and mechanisms you may use in order to stimulate desirable behaviour. Before you know it, you’ll be bursting with ideas in order to have a pleasant go at tackling your problem and helping people to make better choices.

Full English translation available | Click here for more information


Mind the Music - Arthur Jaschke

Music has a way of minding our brains, and Mind the Music explores the effects that it has on our cognition, emotion, and behaviour. As well as into the fabric of our culture, music is woven into the fabric of our humanity —but where does it come from, and how does it help us to learn?

Full English translation available | Click here for more information


The Opportunity of Addiction - Arold Langeveld

The Opportunity of Addiction is a new, fresh, and loving perspective on addiction, supported by real-life examples, practical exercises and reflections. A valuable guide to deal both with your own addiction and the addiction of a loved one.

English sample translation available | Click here for more information


Change Behavior - Thijs Leenman

In Change Behavior, Thijs Leenman takes us through the most important conclusions from fifty years of organizational psychology, clinical psychology, and psychotherapy. These surprising insights are hardly ever applied on the work floor.

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Body Language - Frank van Marwijk

Nothing beats a personal conversation. But you often mistake the smooth talk and blue eyes of your conversation partner. Get rid of the lies, the doubts, and wrong impressions, and discover how you can see faultlessly through people with body language.

Over 5,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


Don't Be Afraid to Manipulate - Frank van Marwijk

Do you know the feeling people don’t listen to you? Do you have a hard time getting your message across? It’s time you learn how to manipulate better! Develop more self-confidence and control for everyday situations by researching the subtle secrets of body language. Discover how you achieve more in business and personal relations.

Over 30,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


Doing More in Less Time - Jan-Dirk Reijneveld

We all have thing we want to achieve in life, but all too often, these goals are obstructed by endless emails and day-to-day business. Jan-Dirk Reijneveld is the first to combine recent scientific brain studies, behavioral psychology, information processing, and ICT insights. His methods show us how to actually achieve the inspiring goals in your life.

Full English AI translation available | Click here for more information


Hassle Management - Frank Schurink

You cannot hide from hassle. It’s everywhere in any situation. That makes hassle a hassle in itself. And a nuisance, because it can ruin your creativity, job satisfaction, and effectiveness. But it is good to know there is a way to make hassle stop being a nuisance.

Over 7,500 copies sold | Published in English and Dutch | Click here for more information


The SUPERBRAIN Secret - Margriet Sitskoorn

In The SUPERBRAIN Secret, Margriet Sitskoorn provides ten tips that have been scientifically proven to promote brain development with children. Good brain development is important because it allows children to develop better. The tips together form The SUPERBRAIN Secret and can be applied by everyone.

English sample translation available | Click here for more information


You Are What You Drive - Erwin Wijman

Of course you can explain why you bought a Peugeot. You buy a car with emotions and can defend its purchase with rational arguments. But there is no choice, you are your car. Your car is auto guide, marketing folder, psychology book, and story book all in one. It doesn’t feature technical specifications, consumption figures, and other horsepower porn. This is also for women!

Over 5,000 copies sold | Click here for more information

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