Frank Schurink - Hassle Management

Hassle is only hassle when you make it hassle


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You cannot hide from hassle. It’s everywhere in any situation. That makes hassle a hassle in itself. And a nuisance, because it can ruin your creativity, job satisfaction, and effectiveness. But it is good to know there is a way to make hassle stop being a nuisance.

Stop resisting it. You won’t solve hassle by making more hassle. In this book by Frank Schurink, you will get easy tools and surprising insights how to manage your hassle, in a way that you can laugh about your own hassle. Discover how and why your brain is activated by hassle and how you can ‘switch off’ your hassle with the on/off button. Read how you switch from your red brain into your green brain, so you can become the best version of yourself.

Published in October 2014 | Paperback | 160 pages | ca. 15,000 words
Full English manuscript available
Over 7,500 copies sold
English and Dutch editions published by Haystack

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Frank Schurink is the creator of Hassle Management and author of the accompanying book. He gives inspiring lectures and training on this subject at organizations and in public settings.


‘In this pragmatic book, the author offers practical tools in a playful way to better handle our problems. He simply shows how our brain works and how we create hassle by using that same brain.’ – Managementboek.nl

‘Clear, humoristic, and confrontational, readable ideas. The layout is a joy to behold. It is interesting for everyone that has to deal with hassle: teenagers, parents, politics, government, and managers and leaders. – Dutch Library Services

‘A remarkably fun book. The author is able to explain complicated matter in an easy way. He easily leads you into his story with clever metaphors. Recommended.’ – Managementboek.nl


Who can benefit from this book?

Part 1. What is it?
1 The first thing to understand about hassle: ‘We probably don’t.’
2 How well do you know your brain – the core of what you think and do?
3 New ideas and solutions? Meet the Green Brain
4 The Red Brain is there for your safety
5 Is there something like a choice between red and green?
6 From red to green on autopilot
7 The on/off switch – a simple autopilot that provides you with a choice
8 Hassle management is a game
9 Being interested: the magic of your brain

Part 2. The next level
10 Managing your hassle creates room for something else than... hassle
11 As long as there are people, there will be hassle
12 So, why is it actually your hassle?
13 The programmed brain, and where the elephant in the room came from
14 The primal human in us still roams the African savannah
15 Social threats are our new mortal danger
16 Let's get started
17 The sneaky thing about hassle
18 Managing hassle in groups
19 A new (r)evolution

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