Louis Goulmy - Real Men Work 4 Days

A Refreshing Perspective on People, Work, and Income


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Things need to change! This book is for everyone that believe we can organize our work differently, who are convinced we need to make these changes. For employers that struggle with commitment, keeping their workers healthy, and a lack of productivity.

For organizations that have the courage to try smaller and larger experiments. Organizations that don’t yet know how, are in doubt, but most of all organizations that believe sustainability also applies to their worker’s lives (and families) with a focus on the bottom line. Sustainability and profitability can enhance each other, if you approach them in the right way.

The book advocates alternative employment relationships and experimenting with the work week and a universal basic income. It shakes things up in regards to work and income, and the transition we have entered since the COVID pandemic.

In Real Men Work 4 Days, Louis Goulmy offers a refreshing look on how we organize work and income. With answers to the most pressing issues of these times.

Published in June 2023 | Paperback | ca. 192 pages | ca. 40,000 words
Dutch edition published by VMN Vakmedianet

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Louis Goulmy studied Business Economics and Accountancy & Control, specialized in Motivation & Management Control. He is the founder and owner of Control & Motivation and worktwentyfour. He is allergic to unnecessary bureaucracy and ancient systems that have become outdated ages ago and have been proven to be ineffective, like a forty-hour work week. He is a triathlete and welcomes a little suffering in sports.


'This is a well-written plea to stop focussing on time as a level of productivity. Louis kills the 40-hour and 5-day work week, not just on his opinion but based upon recent research to the positive effects of working less days and less hours. No employer can deny that this is the future of work after reading it.'
Lennard Toma, Organization Psychologist and author of 99 Problems But the Boss Ain't One and Sugarcoated Organization Problems

'Much has changed since 1900 but still we organize our work like Taylor and Ford designed it over a century ago. Louis' book is not an attempt to be 'hip and fresh' but to provide answers for companies in a overworked labor market and organizations filled with burn-outs and bore-outs.'
Laurens Molegraaf, publisher and literary agent

'This book makes you think, Louis shakes up our vision on work and income. And I am glad that he shares his unconventional vision and knowledge with the world.'
Renée Schieving, Remote Business Club

'Our personal needs and ambitions have changed dramatically in the last century, but the rules of work have hardly changed. A recipe for disaster in a rapidly changing world. This book offers clear insights in the challenges we face, and inspires with examples how to make your company more attractive and sustainable for employees. It gives tools remain successful.'
Edward Belgraver, entrepreneur

'Louis clarifies that we need a transformation from pay-per-hour to pay-per-value, which is both desirable and necessary. The book is a passionate plea to reintroduce the human element in system-driven environments. It doesn't just show the problems, it also offers solutions.'
Arthur Kruisman and Patrick Donath, Free Thinkers


Chapter 1 – Work & Income
1.1 Work and income
1.2 From the past to the present
1.3 Post-war work ethic
1.4 Scientific management
1.5 Intrinsic motivation
1.6 Paid and unpaid labor
1.7 The problem called part-time labor
1.8 Macho culture
1.9 The ultimate work day
1.10 Self-overestimation
1.11 Real men work 4 days
1.12 Time and productivity
1.13 Bullshit jobs

Chapter 2 – The Future of Work is Asynchronous
2.1 Change is here: thank you, accelerator COVID!
2.2 Asynchronous working is the future
2.3 Challenges in asynchronous working
2.4 Physical and psychological basic needs
2.5 The introvert and extravert employee
2.6 Are we over-measuring everything?
2.7 Help, our motivated staff is leaving!
2.8 Loyal to an organization
2.9 Paternalism
2.10 A healthy (work) environment
2.11 Work isn't about how well you can suffer, but how well you can recondition

Chapter 3 – Towards a 4-Day Work Week
3.1 Weekend Wednesday
3.2 The more effective work day
3.3 The shorter work week
3.4 Environmental gains and time savings
3.5 Retire at age 27
3.6 F.I.R.E.

Chapter 4 – From Well-fare to Well-being
4.1 Trickle-up or trickle-down?
4.2 Increasing inequality
4.3 The compensation society
4.4 Market, government, and citizen in balance
4.5 A little more independence
4.6 A bit more equality wouldn't hurt
4.7 The mentality of abundance or scarcity
4.8 The universal basic income

Chapter 5 – (Societal) Solutions!
5.1 The 4-day work week
5.2 The 6-hour work day
5.3 Unlimited vacation
5.4 From HRM to HTM
5.5 The 4-day school week
5.6 Free childcare for six half days
5.7 Simplified taxes

In closing

Appendix 1, Worktwentyfour, a method or a philosophy?
Appendix 2, An alternative State of the Union by Edward Belgraver
Appendix 3, The organization test


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