Floris Wouterson - Super Sleep, revised edition

Practical Lifestyle-Principles for Your Best Sleep Ever


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Sleep is fundamental for excellent achievements, it is more important than food and exercise combined. If you have a demanding job, if you are an entrepreneur, if you work nightshifts, or if you are a professional athlete, than sleep is essential. Without a good night you will make rash decisions, increase the chance of making mistakes at work, be more prone to car accidents, and have a forty percent higher chance of (sports) injuries.

If you identify sleeping problems in advance you can prevent (long-term) absence. Good sleep is the key factor for quicker recovery, agile employees, and increased happiness at work. One bad night is not a problem, but long-term sleeping problems increase your chances of a burnout or prediabetes. Stressed out, having difficulty falling asleep, waking up in a broken condition? Then this is the book for you!

Super Sleep offers a method without radical change but small steps that have great effects. Become a Super Sleeper and discover:

  • What the worst sleeping position is and how you can unlearn it immediately
  • What the Rock-Around-the-Clock-system is for when you work irregular shifts
  • How you sleep much better with the right nutrition
  • How to increase your energy with the Ultimate Powernap Formula
  • How professional athletes drastically improve their performance with sleep

Published in March 2023 | Paperback | 240 pages | ca. 45,000 words
German translation rights sold to Südwest Verlag
Dutch edition published by Van Duuren Media

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Floris Wouterson is Sleep Performance Coach and helps companies, entrepreneurs, and people with demanding jobs to drastically improve their performance with sleep. His motto is: Change a little, change a lot every day.


‘What makes this book even more useful is that Wouterson quickly introduces the methods to achieve deep and restorative sleep.’
NRC Handelsblad

‘I know from experience how important sleep and recovery are. This book shows a fun an accessible way to improve your performance drastically with sleep and recovery. I recommend the tips from the revised edition.’
Mark Tuitert, Olympic ice skating Champion, speaker and author

Super Sleep offers a refreshing perspective on sleep and how to optimize it. Written in a practical manner, yet it reads like a novel.’
Prof. Johan Verbraecken, Academic Hospital Antwerp Sleep Center Medical Coordinator

‘Floris is not just the Dutch Matthew Walker, he explains things even better, preventing that you fall asleep whilst reading. A reissue well-worth reading and an eyeopener for me as I have always underestimated the power of sleep.’
Giel Beelen, national radio dj and entrepreneur

‘We at AZ Football Club believe in the power of sleep because good training depends on good recovery. We use Super Sleep in our top sport development program to inform our athletes on this important aspect for continuous performance and development at a high level.’
Bart Heuvingh, top sport coach at AZ Football Club and author


Foreword by Tom Haak
Introduction on the best night rest ever
1. Sleeping well is a matter of mindset
2. Don’t sleep without protection
3. Create your own sleep heaven
4. Make sleep your number 1 ally
5. Sleeping well starts on your plate
6. Sleep better instantly with your second brain
7. Halt your brain and start moving
8. Work irregular shifts yet sleep well
About the author

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German translation published by Südwest Verlag:

Probleme beim Ein- und Durchschlafen? Laut einer Studie klagen 80 Prozent aller Berufstätigen über schlechten Schlaf. Jeder zehnte leidet an Insomnie, Tendenz steigend. Die Folgen dieser müden Gesellschaft: mehr Krankmeldungen, höhere Kosten für die Unternehmen und – am wichtigsten – eine drastische Zunahme von physischen und psychischen Erkrankungen bei den Betroffenen. Das muss nicht sein! Hollands Schlafexperte Nummer 1 zeigt hier, wie Schlaf mit unserem Lebensstil zusammenhängt, was wir für einen besseren Schlaf tun können und wie wir unser Schlafzimmer in eine Oase der Ruhe verwandeln können. Dabei bezieht er Erkenntnisse aus der Ernährungs- und Bewegungslehre sowie aus der Gehirnforschung, der Medizin und der Positiven Psychologie mit ein. Es werden Fragen wie "Was hat mein Umgang mit dem Smartphone und den sozialen Medien mit meinem Schlaf zu tun?" oder "Was ist die schlechteste Schlafposition und wie gewöhnt man sich diese wieder ab?" beantwortet. Wachen Sie mit der Wake up Happy-Methode dauerhaft ausgeruht auf. Laden Sie mit der Powernap-Formel ganz einfach den Energiespeicher für den Tag auf. Darüber hinaus bietet die 21-Tage-Challange die Chance, konkret aktiv zu werden und die Verbesserung des eigenen Schlafs selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

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