You Are The Love - Juriaan Galavazi

You Are The Love guides you towards a life with self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem. It shows that we ignore and overrule all kinds of reflexes, out of the fear for losing something and the need to avoid uncomfortable situations. You will be able to look life straight in the eye and take the necessary steps to learn, grow and develop with curiosity.

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Medicine: Prescription vs. Healing? - Lieneke van de Griendt

This book is a must-read for every doctor who is wondering whether prescribing medicine really contributes to curing their patients. In clear and transparent language and easy explanations, this book is also very interesting for the patient who wants to make the right decisions for his or her own natural recovery.

Full English AI translation available | Click here for more information


The Opportunity of Addiction - Arold Langeveld

The Opportunity of Addiction is a new, fresh, and loving perspective on addiction, supported by real-life examples, practical exercises and reflections. A valuable guide to deal both with your own addiction and the addiction of a loved one.

English sample translation available | Click here for more information


Healing Cold - Ewout Staartjes

Healing Cold is not only a personal search for a cure, but it is also an engaging instruction in traditional cold exposure training methods. The book contains many stories and anecdotes from the winters that the author has spent in Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, the book also introduces the reader to many lifestyle insights.

English sample translation available | Click here for more information


Super Sleep - Floris Wouterson

If you identify sleeping problems in advance you can prevent (long-term) absence. Good sleep is the key factor for quicker recovery, agile employees, and increased happiness at work. One bad night is not a problem, but long-term sleeping problems increase your chances of a burnout or prediabetes. Stressed out, having difficulty falling asleep, waking up in a broken condition? Then this is the book for you!

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