Ewout Staartjes - Healing Cold

The Secret of Healthy Cold Training


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New insights from an age-old tradition

Cold exposure training is still in its infancy in the Netherlands. In Ukraine and Russia, cold exposure training is part of the age-old tradition of ‘zakalivaniye’, or hardening: the process of gaining strength and resilience through well-dosed stress triggers from the natural elements.

Healing Cold is not only a personal search for a cure, but it is also an engaging instruction in traditional cold exposure training methods. The book contains many stories and anecdotes from the winters that the author has spent in Russia and Ukraine. Moreover, the book also introduces the reader to many lifestyle insights.

The method revolves around the power of simplicity. We only need to be exposed to cold for very short periods. The contrast between warmth and cold forms an essential part of this process. Therefore, physical warming-up exercises and banya (sauna) visits are needed to brave the cold, rather than breathing exercises. And just like with any other medicine, the dose determines whether cold can act as a medicine or poison. The secret to healthy cold exposure training lies in thorough preparation and the right dose. The author uses his own experience, the wisdom of ancient traditions and the ideas of legendary Soviet lifestyle doctors to unravel the secrets of this unique form of therapy.

Published in November 2023 | Paperback | 272 pages | ca. 62,000 words
English sample translation available
Dutch edition published by Zilt Publishers

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Ewout Staartjes has been a regular visitor to Russia and Ukraine for over thirty years. In 2003, he was introduced to the tradition of hardening in Siberia. He went on to earn his banya master certification in Moscow. And in 2013, he became a hardening instructor in Osmk. In line with Russian tradition, Ewout established several Walrus Clubs in the Netherlands and started to organize winter swimming trips to Russia. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war with Ukraine closed many doors, but opened the opportunity to write this book.


"This book is such a treasure, this is something you would want everybody to read. I give a copy of this book to many of our patients."
Stefan Ottenheijm, holistic general practitioner and coach in integral health

"Outrageously good!"
Monique Tjon-A-Tsien, 'the Ice Doctor'

"This is the Bible on Cold Training in my opinion."
Nicky Koopmans, swimming coach

"I am currently traveling through Eastern Europe reading your book. It describes beautiful stories and is a true connection between East and West."
Marie-Thérèse ter Haar, Russia and Eastern Europe Academy

"This book is a valuable addition to Dutch health literature."
Annemiek Harreman, Walrus Club Deventer

"Such a great book, a true page turner!"
Ans van Horne, winter swimmer

"A must-read for everyone who works with cold or wants to work with cold. I have been doing cold training for several years and thought that I knew enough. I saw this book and became curious and it has not disappointed. A wonderfully informative and well written book, filled with wonderful personal stories and anecdotes. Highly recommended."
G.M.J. Jong, five-star reader's review


1. Soul
2. Warmth
3. Cold
4. Lifestyle
5. Elements


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