Jacques Pijl - Strategy = Execution |
Faster improvement, renewal and innovation in the new economy |
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• Obtain an overview: 6 success factors, 4 accelerators and 16 building blocks |
Jacques Pijl has over 20 years of experience in advising company directors and teams of leading organizations on strategy execution and innovation. In addition, he participates in large-scale transformations and surgical precision operations in the private, public and semi-public sector. He is the Managing Director of Turner consulting agency, a thought leader and in-demand speaker on strategy execution and innovation. Strategy = Execution was shortlisted for Management Book of the Year, was a #1 management book bestseller and was heralded as most important business title in the Dutch Financial Times. His previous book The New Standard; The 25 Rules to Survive in the New Economy (2014) was also a #1 bestseller in the Netherlands. |
'Strategy = Execution means driving change. This book brilliantly shows how leadership is fundamental to inspire people to want to change because they see the benefit and are engaged in the process. Rather than something being done to them, they participate in making the change happen. This is a hands-on book and a must-read for all leaders.' 'Vision without action is a hallucination. Talking about strategy is easy, but as I have discovered far too often while working with CEOs, getting things done is a totally different matter. Taking care of its execution is what it is all about. People need to be mobilized to be aligned with the strategy. It is therefore refreshing to read a book where this important topic has pride of place.' 'A wealth of well-founded insights and advice.' 'Strategy is nothing more than a set of ideas until we move the molecules in the room. Strategy = Execution is about making ideas come alive and creates a much-needed bridge between insight and action. The methodology in this book is a success formula that’s Monday morning ready. Read and thrive!' 'As we head into the fourth industrial revolution, the need for Innovation, Speed and Agility is bigger than ever before. This book provides excellent, reality-based insights into how we can achieve this.' 'It is important to take the time we need for strategy and reflection. But it will just remain paperwork if we do not turn this into practical steps with the same zeal. This book shows us how to do that and how to do it smoothly.' 'Most management books are about strategy-setting, but precious few provide handles for strategy execution. Jacques Pijl’s book is a notable exception. It’s a must-read for every strategy professional.' 'In an increasingly VUCA world, good strategy-setting combined with organizational purpose is important, but effective strategy execution at the right speed is what determines success! After all, it’s not your slide presentations that make the difference, but timely preparation for the new reality. In this book, Jacques Pijl shows that the next change is right around the corner. He inspires leaders and teams who face big changes and shares an abundance of good ideas for tightening our focus on successful enactment and execution of a change strategy.' 'Strategy Execution is the No. 1 task facing executives. That’s one of the most important arguments in this book.' 'Strategy = Execution contains many clear, directly applicable ideas, taken from practical and proven cases.' 'This book thoroughly demystifies the concept of innovation and the practicalities of how to organize it.' 'What a relief to be allowed to be passionate about strategy execution.' 'Jacques Pijl’s practical book shows once again how an organization can remain relevant in our digitalized world. Slow down, read, and then accelerate again!' 'Jacques Pijl = strategy execution and much more, of course. In this book, he reveals his thorough and effective method. Which also makes it a great read for management consultants.' 'Jacques Pijl convincingly argues why it is not strategy, but the execution of it, that makes the difference. Highly recommended.' 'This book connects thought with action in a unique way. It’s a must read for anyone who wants to shape the future.' 'This book goes to the core of change management: the hard is soft, the soft is hard. Balance is everything.' 'Highly recommended reading for anyone who wants to understand the differences and similarities between established companies and new enterprises. How do they successfully carry out their strategies? How do they go about innovation?' 'Strategy is static, but the new normal is continuous, daily adjustment and adaptation of execution strategy. This book is a crystal-clear guide on how to do that.' 'An inspiring and down-to-earth explanation of how new organizations and business models see to it that they can absorb growth while continuing to rejuvenate and innovate.' 'A stimulating book. Execution of your strategy is just as essential as the strategy itself. Pijl’s writing makes for captivating reading.' 'In this new world full of rapid change and digital innovation, the challenge is not only to have the best strategy, but also to execute it quickly and effectively. This book offers insight, inspiration and a wealth of actual cases, making it a must read for every executive.' 'A strategy is nothing but a vision with a sell-by date, based on current information, on the best way an organization can achieve its objectives, its purpose. This book provides valuable and refreshing insights into how to turn that vision into action, how to get results and create social value through execution.' 'In a fast-changing world, effective strategy execution is a critical success factor for businesses. Strategy = Execution provides many practical examples and tips on how to get it done.' 'We live in a VUCA world, this is why strategy must continually be scrutinized and why its execution is even more important now. Strategy = Execution was written with passion, making it a particularly interesting and practical guide that belongs in every boardroom!' |
1 Introduction: Strength, speed and agility in strategy execution are becoming increasingly important 4 Accelerator 1: SELECT 5 Accelerator 2: INITIATE 6 Accelerator 3: HARVEST 7 Accelerator 4: SAFEGUARD 8 Program- and project-based working methods are a necessary condition Appendices |
Spanish translation published by Marge Books:En la era digital, las organizaciones deben convertirse en agentes de disrupción si quieren sobrevivir. La continuidad lineal pertenece al pasado. Solo existe una ley: ESTRATEGIA = EJECUCIÓN. O dicho de otro modo: una estrategia tiene que ser tan brillante como su puesta en práctica y viceversa. Ahí radica la ventaja competitiva. De hecho, podría decirse que incluso la eficacia, la rapidez y la agilidad en la ejecución son más importantes que una estrategia perfectamente trazada, basada en la viabilidad y la previsibilidad. Esta obra es eminentemente práctica: más del 80 % de sus páginas contiene consejos e indicaciones muy precisas que pueden aplicarse a cualquier actividad y sector empresarial. Estrategia = Ejecución. El método para mejorar, renovar e innovar en la era digital es un manual dirigido a profesionales que ejercen el liderazgo y que buscan, por encima de todo, resultados tangibles y centrar su actividad en la aplicación de una estrategia. |
Russian translation published by Alpina Publishers:В условиях неопределенности и стремительного развития информационных технологий компании вынуждены непрерывно реагировать на внешние изменения. Сегодня у лидеров нет времени на длительную подготовку и разработку великих стратегий, фокус их внимания сдвигается со стратегии как плана к стратегии как процессу воплощения этого плана. Бизнес-консультант и владелец агентства Turner Consultancy Жак Пейл утверждает, что в условиях «новой нормальности» потребность в инновациях, скорости и гибкости бизнеса многократно возросла, а традиционные методы стратегического менеджмента перестали работать. Сегодня разработка стратегии неотделима от ее воплощения, и именно реализуемость стратегии на практике, ее продуманность в самых мелочах и отличают победителей от проигравших. Обилие иллюстраций и отсылки к опыту наиболее успешных компаний делают эту книгу «мгновенной классикой» для менеджеров высшего звена, специалистов и предпринимателей, которые отвечают за воплощение стратегии и внедрение инноваций. |
German translation published by Schäffer-Poeschel:Strategie = Umsetzung bedeutet, den Wandel voranzutreiben. Die Strategieumsetzung ist der letzte Wettbewerbsvorteil, denn Stärke, Schnelligkeit und Beweglichkeit bei der Umsetzung sind wichtiger als eine perfekt ausgearbeitete Strategie, die auf Machbarkeit und Vorhersehbarkeit beruht. Das Buch zeigt auf brillante Weise, dass Führung von grundlegender Bedeutung ist, wenn es darum geht, Menschen für Veränderungen zu begeistern, weil sie den Nutzen sehen und in den Prozess eingebunden sind. 20 % Strategie, 80 % Umsetzung: Das ist das Rezept für schnellere Verbesserung, Erneuerung und Innovation. Das Buch ist ein Muss für alle Führungskräfte und Unternehmer:innen, die die Strategieumsetzung als ihre Hauptaufgabe ansehen und nicht die Strategiedefinition.
Indonesian translation published by Pustaka Alvabet:Wajib dibaca oleh setiap pemimpin, profesional, dan pengusaha yang merasa tugas utama mereka adalah mengeksekusi strategi, bukan menetapkan strategi. Digitalisasi telah menyebabkan disrupsi di segala bidang. Disrupsi adalah nama baru dalam perekonomian. Disrupsi telah mengubah semuanya dalam bisnis. Kontinuitas tidak lagi menjadi sesuatu yang pasti, dan kenyataan pahitnya, strategi apa pun akan sama cemerlangnya dengan eksekusinya. Buku ini menjawab tantangan baru tersebut. Strategi sama dengan Eksekusi. Di situlah letak satu-satunya keunggulan kompetitif dalam beradaptasi pada era disrupsi ini. Tidak mengherankan, kekuatan, kecepatan, dan ketangkasan dalam pelaksanaan sangatlah penting, jauh lebih penting daripada strategi yang dipetakan secara sempurna berdasarkan kelayakan dan prediktabilitas. Berisi 80 persen cara yang aplikatif—diperkaya dengan kisah bagaimana pemimpin-pemimpin hebat berinovasi—buku ini akan memandu kita untuk meningkatkan, memperbarui, dan berinovasi agar dapat beradaptasi dan tumbuh lebih cepat pada era digital.
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