Rini van Solingen - Agile

A beautiful book on how to make your organization healthy, agile, and fit, filled with tips, pitfalls, and practical experience


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The far-reaching digitalization creates a fundamental change and acceleration in our society. Organizations and people want to work more flexible and reach their results sooner, which requires a different way of thinking and working. Through this, agile is becoming the most common way of working and cooperation. Agile can be compared to your personal fitness; being fit as a team, division, or organization, so you can cope with all possible circumstances. Reacting fast, quickly, and agile on everything on your path. And this is exactly the most important skill in our age of digitization, disruption, and lightning fast changes. Agile expert Rini van Solingen shares his knowledge and experiences and sheds his light on the most common errors and misunderstandings.

Published in September 2019 | Hardcover | With illustrations | 200 pages | ca. 40,000 words
Full English translation available

German rights sold to dPunkt Verlag
Dutch edition published by Management Impact
English edition published by Prowareness

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Rini van Solingen is the Dutch expert on Agile, a lecturer, professor, and author on agility and speed in organizations. He has written several books that have become bestsellers and have been published in English and German.

Rini is a speaker, author, professor, and entrepreneur. Each year he gives over 100 lectures and workshops. His expertise lies in the speed and agility of people and organizations. Rini makes complex matters simple and can explain things in understandable and humorous ways. He does this by using simple analogies and by telling concrete practical stories and anecdotes. He also shares simple and powerful models in his lectures. And they don't always have to be serious; there may also be laughter. Rini's strongest focus is on empowering his audience. He helps people see why things are going the way they are and what they can do about it themselves.

Rini is a part-time full professor at Delft University of Technology and also regularly gives lectures at Nyenrode Business University in master classes and MBAs. He is also CTO at Prowareness We-On, where, as a strategic consultant, he helps clients render their organizations fast and agile. Rini is the author of a number of management books, including The Power of Scrum (2011 - with Jeff Sutherland and Eelco Rustenburg), Scrum for Managers (2015 - with Rob van Lanen) and the management novels: The Bee Shepperd - How to Lead Self-Managing Teams (2016) and Formula X - How to Reach Extreme Acceleration in Your Organization (2019 - with Jurriaan Kramer).


‘This book is recommended for beginners in Agile and those that are convinced with the principles, but experience resistance when trying to implement Agile working within their organizations.’
Daniel Ropers, CEO Springer Nature

‘This book is a standard work with lots of valuable knowledge and practical applicable insights. Not just recommended for startups but also for established organizations that have begun working with Agile.’
Huub Vermeulen, CEO, bol.com

‘This book reflects its author: accessible, sober and practical. With above all the notion that Agile doesn’t just require you to get rid of the old ways, but actually demands that you start working on a new foundation!’
Mirjam Verhoeven, CIO and Innovation Director, De Volksbank

‘Rini easily explains the most important Agile principles. This makes the book a useful guide for Agile teams, leaders and a guide for a successful Agile transformation. Highly recommended!’
Amir Arooni, CIO, NN Group

‘This book and the wonderful examples and real-life cases make Agile leadership and Agile working tangible. It is recommended for anyone who wants to manage their organization successfully!’
Bas de Reus, Managing Director, Fujitsu Nederland

‘Rini proves that even he can rise above himself. The book offers a current story for everyone who wants to bring Agile working to the next level within their organization.’
Frank de Goede, entrepreneur and Managing Director, SIMgroep

‘Great to see how insights from years of experience in Agile working come together through different perspectives in this book. It is beautifully designed but the contents are even better than the appearance!’
Mike Hoogveld, author, speaker and advisor for the Holland Consulting Group

‘Finally a practical and honest book on Agile working that focuses on the essence and is packed with practical examples and tools to avoid the many pitfalls.’
Leon Bedaux, Director IT, KPN

‘The book offer many practical tools. How to approach an Agile transformation and how to avoid the pitfalls. Highly recommended for everyone that wants to make the Agile transition.’
Hessel Dikkers, Director IT, NS

‘Going Agile is a radical change for the operating system of an organization and its impact is often greatly underestimated. This book offers valuable insights for the most important misconceptions and lessons from real-life examples.’
Jurriaan Kamer, Organization designer, The Ready

‘Are you convinced of the need to continually adept to fast changes? Read this accessible encyclopedia with theory and practical examples from working Agile!’
Marc Gill’ard, CEO, Verdonck, Klooster & Associates

‘This book helps to see through all the theory and symbols of Agile and identify what the essence of Agile really is. It is filled with lists like all management books, but the simple explanation of the essence is the true value of this book for me personally.’
Derk-Jan Stol, Head of Group Finance & Reporting, NN Group

‘Make sure that your company is fit, flexible and agile so that you can always react to change. This book offers practical and useful tools for this!’
Martin van Gogh, CEO, Batenburg Industriële Automatisering

‘Its holistic approach and practical touch make Agile a must-read for everyone who wants to make their organization more Agile.’
Leo van der Heijden, CEO, Calvi Group


Preface by Henk Ester

1 The Why, What, When and How of Agile
2 Are we going in the right direction?
3 Agile by finishing things
4 Dangers of Agile
5 Scrum or Agile?
6 Is Agile rushing things?
7 Agile transformations
8 The pitfalls of Agile transformations
9 Agile culture
10 Agile leadership
11 Agile government and structure
12 Agile strategy
13 Product owner pitfalls
14 Agile coaches
15 Quality by autonomy
16 Large-scale Agile
17 Agile commissioning
18 Agile contracts
19 Agile fixed-price
20 Agile estimations with Planning Poker

Further reading
About the author

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German translation published by dPunkt Verlag:

In »Agile« teilt Rini van Solingen sein Wissen und seine Erfahrungen und beleuchtet eine Reihe häufiger Fallstricke sowie Missverständnisse beim agilen Arbeiten. Nach einer Einführung in Agilität geht er im Detail auf Themen ein wie agile Transformation und kontrollierte Flexibilität, agile Kultur und wie sie messbar ist sowie agile Führung und die Schritte hin zum eigenen Ownership-Modell. Weiter werden Maßnahmen für eine agile Governance und strategische agile Steuerung, Product Ownership, Qualität durch Autonomie sowie agile Skalierung praxisnah vorgestellt. Ausführungen zu agilen Ausschreibungen, Verträgen und Schätzen runden dieses Kompendium der Agilität ab.

Agilität ist mit Fitness vergleichbar: Dies bedeutet, als Team, Abteilung oder Organisation in der Lage zu sein, schnell, flexibel und wendig auf alle Situationen reagieren zu können. Es ist eine elementare Fähigkeit, um in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, Disruption und des schnellen Wandels erfolgreich zu agieren. Werden auch Sie fit und sichern Sie sich mit »Agile« das Wissen für Ihren Erfolg.

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