Vincent Vermeulen - Guestology 2.0

The New Method to Create Customer Experience


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Vincent Vermeulen is the founder and CEO of the School for Butlers & Hospitality, and the fourth generation of his family to earn respect within the hospitality sector. After a career as a butler, earning him a worldwide network of Michelin-star restaurants and international luxury brands, he founded the school in Bruges, Belgium. Soon, companies would request his assistance with improving and implementing a hospitality mindset.

Guestology 2.0 presents a six-step methodology that can bring the customer experience DNA of every organization to life. For this approach, the input of all stakeholders (management, customers, and team) is crucial, and the desired result is an excellent customer journey, tailor-made for the organization in question. Guestology 2.0 is for every company, in every business.

Published in March 2022 | Paperback | ca. 224 pages | ca. 45,000 words
Full English translation available
English and Dutch editions published by Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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Vincent Vermeulen is an experienced butler and CEO of the School for Butlers & Hospitality. He is the fourth generation with hospitality experience in his family and has had a career that is unparalleled in Belgium. He worked in various Michelin-star restaurants, is consulted by luxurious brands all over the world, had a butler’s training in London, and managed several international services on hospitality. And he is a Toastmaster and Fellow of the Guild of International Professional Toastmasters, so he knows how to propose a toast in company. All of this makes him the ideal person to teach us about etiquette and hospitality.



Be really honest with yourself
There is not one company in the world who wants to offer a bad experience to a customer
Why customer experience is the ONLY thing that can set you apart, and what you can do about it
The consequences of failing at customer experience
The obstacles that we can’t see but are there
How to overcome those obstacles?
The promises everyone makes but never keeps
Those who say the customer has changed are wrong!
The gods are watching
Here goes my hope of this book ever being a bestseller: the entire book in one page


Step one: the frustration solution
What is service?
The facts of service
Why do we need service in the first place?
Silicon Valley! You forgot something!
The speed of thought action

Step two: value victory
Here is what you do if you want your team to offer CX autonomously
What does this have to do with customer experience in my organization for crying out loud?!
The best way to hire the best team that 99% of businesses haven’t tried

Step three: a warm welcome
If business is war, why don’t we plan the battle?
Everybody will laugh at this, until they see it in action
Bonus to the guided tour: clean office, clean home
The danger of not creating the one thing that makes everything clear
The musical workshop
A game of preferences: the power of the yellow rose
The friends book
The reason why personalization is king
Consistency: the nightmare of the plastic coffee cup
Creating the welcome book

Step four: lasting language
A quick way to choose the right words, every time
Why so serious?
The first responsibility of anyone in the company is to communicate
Warning! The joke they call AI
The 4 pitfalls of social media for real-life customer experience and how you can avoid these so your customers are blown away
What if we don’t have the time for language?
The worst that can happen when you don’t take time for language is the mental tripwire

Step five: invisible presence
The real cost of not taking training seriously
The padawan: teach like Einstein
The pitfall you will encounter during the training phase
The result: have a team you can be proud of

Step six: deep culture
Scaling: the hardest thing ever in CX
Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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