Tendayi Viki, Dan Toma & Esther Gons - The Corporate Startup

How established companies can develop successful innovation ecosystems


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The Corporate Startup is a practical guide for established companies that aspire to develop and sustain their innovation capabilities.

• The world around us is changing rapidly. There is now more pressure on established companies to innovate.
• The challenge most companies face is how to develop new products for new markets, while managing their core business at the same time.
• The principles and practices outlined in this book provide companies with a blueprint of how to manage innovation while they execute on their core business.
The Corporate Startup provides frameworks, visualizations, templates, tools and methods that can be easily applied to develop new products and business models.

Published in April 2017 | Paperback | With illustrations | 300 pages | ca. 90,000 words
Over 20,000 copies sold
Full English manuscript available
Winner of the 2018 CMI Management Book of the Year Award
Winner of an Axiom Business Book Awards Gold Medal in Business Theory

German rights sold to Franz Vahlen Verlag
Spanish rights (North and South America) sold to Tecnólogico de Monterrey
Russian rights sold to Alpina Publishers
Polish rights sold to Helion
Japanese rights sold to Shoeisha
Indonesian rights sold to Elex PT. Media/Gramedia
Vietnamese rights sold to Saigon Books
English and Dutch editions published by Management Impact

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Tendayi Viki, PhD MBA is an author, speaker and advisor on the topic of corporate innovation. He helps companies of all sizes develop internal ecosystems so they can innovate for future while running their core business. He holds a PhD in Psychology and an MBA. He has worked with several companies including ABN AMRO, Airbus, Air France-KLM, American Express, The British Museum, Lufthansa-Airplus, Pearson, Salesforce, Standard Bank, Unilever and The World Bank. Dr Viki co-designed and helped implement Pearson’s Product Lifecycle, which is an innovation framework that won Best Innovation Program 2015 at the Corporate Entrepreneur Awards in New York. He was nominated for the Thinkers50 2017 Innovation Award and listed on the Thinker50 2018 Radar List of emerging management thinkers to watch. He is also a Contributor at Forbes Magazine.

Dan Toma, MBA comes from an entrepreneurial background. He has been involved with Hi-Tech and internet start-ups across the world and is an entrepreneurship community leader in Europe. In recent years, he started focusing more on enterprise innovation management, specifically on the changes large organizations need to make to allow for disruptive new ventures to be built in a corporate setting. He has worked with companies like Deutsche Telekom, Bosch, Jaguar Land Rover and Allianz. A big proponent of the ecosystem approach to innovation, Dan has also worked with various government bodies in Asia and Europe, helping developing national innovation ecosystems and implement national innovation strategies. The work experience gathered from the public and private sector has been translated into various experiential courses that Dan has delivered for universities worldwide.

Esther Gons is co-founder and investor of NEXT.amsterdam, helping startups from ideas phase to a working business model. She has developed the entrepreneurship course for the Communication Multimedia and Design program at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. She is also an international speaker who organized the first StartupBus Europe tour in 2011 and has acted as lead mentor at Rockstart Accelerator for the past six years. As a visual spatial thinker she was part of bringing the lean startup movement to the Netherlands. Esther has mentored over a hundred startups so far and still acts as advisor for many of them. Connecting corporates to the startup ecosystem is important to NEXT, so Esther is also frequently involved in corporate innovation.


'A key reading for leaders that outlines how to effectively innovate for the future and boost growth, while running the core business.'
Alex Osterwalder, Co-author of Business Model Generation

'This book identifies the challenges and takes the guesswork out of confronting them head on. As such, it makes for invaluable reading for forward-thinking British business leaders, corporate strategists and innovation teams.'
Jess Young, The London Economic, click here to read the full review

'We have found The Corporate Startup model and the thoughts on the innovation ecosystem very useful in designing our innovation strategy. This book is a must read for all corporate leaders that want to transform their companies to be more innovative.'
Erik Kongsvik-Ibsen, Vice President of Strategy and Business Development at Egmont

'This book is a timely addition to the corporate innovation space. It is a must read for anyone working on innovation in medium-size and large companies. The principles and practices, if well implemented, can save a company from the disruption death march.'
Tim Deeson, Managing Director at Deeson Group

'This book helps organizations of all sizes to manage innovation. This playbook uses illustrated step-by- step guides to lead the reader through the processes to create an ecosystem that nurtures innovation at every level in a business.'
Jury CMI Management Book of the Year

'Big companies need to innovate or die. The question is how. Companies need a playbook; a process by which they can start the process of transforming their organizations into innovation engines. The Corporate Startup is that playbook. It provides a proven methodology —applying Lean Startup principles and more— for building a culture of innovation.'
Ben Yoskovitz, Co-Author of Lean Analytics and Founding Partner at Highline BETA

'Nothing’s harder than creating innovation, and the most valuable creations are exactly those which shrivel under typical corporate management. The authors’ approach is to focus on creating an ecosystem that allows innovation to flourish on its own; addressing health of the soil rather than micro-managing the plants. If you want to avoid some of the common traps and give your internal entrepreneurship the best shot, this book will help.'
Rob Fitzpatrick, Author of The Mom Test

'In a world full of innovation hype and clichés, The Corporate Startup manages to provide useful answers and solutions to a complex question — how can corporations innovate faster and better? The book delivers a clear roadmap for creating a strategy, governance structures and implementing an innovation practice. This makes it an absolute must-read for all corporate strategists and innovators and has become “the way we think and talk” about corporate innovation in Copenhagen Fintech.'
Thomas Krogh Jensen, CEO at Copenhagen Fintech

'In this wonderful book, we have found frameworks and methods that are extremely relevant and helpful in our efforts to structure our open innovation. We are beginning to use Corporate Startup tools and methods to better qualify investment decisions, as well as secure continued board-level understanding and buy-in to the strategy.'
Ole Madsen, Senior Vice President at Spar Nord Bank

'A book crammed full of real examples and pragmatic (not dogmatic) frameworks for bringing entrepreneurship to corporate dinosaurs. A must-read.'
Tristan Kromer, Founder at Kromatic and Editor of The Real Startup Book

'With innovation now a strategic imperative, you are going to need a playbook to help develop practical and scalable approaches to innovation in your company — simply put, you are going to need this book!'
Paul Brown, Founder at Rokket Digital

'The 21st century organization, we’re told, needs to be innovative, creative and customer centered. That’s all very well if you’re a disruptive startup. But what if you’re an established organization based on 20th century principles of Taylorism? How do you make your big company as innovative as a small startup? If you want practical advice from people who have been there and done that, there’s no better source than this book. Reading this book is like shadowing the authors on a consulting assignment as they coach you on what works and what doesn’t.'
David Travis, User Experience Consultant and Managing Director of Userfocus

'The authors have clearly spent time in the trenches helping big and small companies transform through applying lean startup principles. This book is full of insightful nuggets you immediately grasp and a simple yet effective framework you can start implementing right away.'
Justin Coetsee, Co-Founder at Ignitor

'In this remarkable book, the authors challenge us to take the ‘Red Pill’ of sustainable innovation: a system of frameworks that work together to generate superior results. If you want to keep yourself in the black, take the authors’ ‘Red Pill’ and follow their advice.'
Luke Hohmann, Founder/CEO at Conteneo and Author of Innovation Games

'Lean thinking for business and product development requires the practitioner to strip away misconceptions about how an idea becomes a successful new business. It requires a ‘re-training’ of the brain to suppress those misconceptions and focus on the fastest path to testing the assumptions held about the customer’s needs. This book is your ‘re-training’ manual.'
Peter Pascale, Vice President of Product Management at Pearson VUE

'Established companies need to innovate or risk losing market share. This book provides a great playbook that managers can use to learn about lean startup methods and apply them within their company. It is a must read for any executive thinking about creating an innovation ecosystem within their business.'
Klaus Wagner, CEO at Josera Petfood GmbH & Co. KG

'The Corporate Startup bridges two worlds that are normally regarded to be quite the opposite. Corporations can learn a lot about startup methodologies and how they apply to their organizations from reading this book. Startup founders should also read it to understand the challenges that large companies face and how to better collaborate with them. I highly recommend this book.'
Rune Theill, Co-Founder and CEO at Rockstart Accelerator

'I believe the next wave of entrepreneurship and innovation will belong to the established corporation. The Corporate Startup provides a structured and practical approach to help companies make their new business model building machine a reality.'
Dr Marc Sniukas, Author of The Art of Opportunity

'Tendayi, Dan and Esther are some of the most knowledgeable and engaging members in the startup and corporate innovation community. Not only is their personal knowledge and experience very valuable, I’ve experienced them to generate profound impact through their engagement with several of our, and others’ grassroots initiatives. This book allows anyone in the intrapreneurship field to access that knowledge and create the same impact.'
Leon Pals, Chairman at Startup Foundation

'As the role of corporate innovator seems to be getting more complex, what else to wish for than a roadmap that makes things simple and clear? Tendayi, Dan and Esther have done a wonderful job creating exactly such a roadmap with this book, and I’m sure it will support you in getting to your goals, faster.'
Hans Balmaekers, Director at Intrapreneurship Conference

'This wonderful book helps companies apply practical and innovative business model development methods using new ways of collaboration, based on an ecosystems approach. The Corporate Startup provides a great way of implementing innovation practices for companies to cope in today’s hectic and ever changing world.'
Corine van Winden, CEO at Global Pets Community

'In my experience the biggest topic that is not covered well for large corporations is the art of managing the innovation process and output. The Corporate Startup provides a concrete framework to manage innovation at the strategy, management and practice levels. It connects the topics you likely know such as business model design and lean startup to the bigger corporate picture.'
Bob Jansen, Founder at Firmhouse

'This book has helped me, my team and our company’s full innovation transformation and I can say it is the most comprehensive guide on corporate innovation to date. The tools and methods described here are helping us on our journey to improve performance and reduce the cost of innovation.'
Vegard Hansen, Head of Innovation Ecosystem at Den Norske Bank


Introduction: Innovation Paradox

Epilogue: Putting It All Together

Chapter 10 START TODAY

About the Authors
Index: Keywords/Terms
Index: Names/Organizations

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German translation published by Franz Vahlen Verlag:

Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der Innovation unerlässlich ist. Es ist unbestritten, dass sich die Welt um uns herum verändert. Technologie und Software haben das Geschäft verändert und tun dies auch weiterhin, und das auf immer dramatischere Weise. Unternehmensführung müsste eine besondere Ignoranz aufweisen ,,um nicht zu erkennen, wie sich diese Veränderungen auf ihre zukünftigen Geschäfte auswirken. Den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, ist keine Option mehr. Unternehmer müssen reagieren. Innovation kann nicht mehr als Nebensache angesehen werden. Innovation ist der Weg, um im 21. Jahrhundert Geschäfte zu machen und stellt einen wichtiger Motor für nachhaltiges Wachstum dar.

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Russian rights sold to Alpina Publishers:

Для того, чтобы успешно развиваться, компания должна быть инновационной, креативной и клиентоориентированной. Если вы прорывной стартап, это обычно получается легко. Но как быть зрелым организациям? Как сделать крупную компанию такой же инновационной, как небольшой стартап? Все дело в том, что в большой компании процесс инноваций поддерживается при помощи других механизмов, нежели в стартапе.

В книге «Корпоративный стартап» предлагается подробный план действий, руководствуясь которым любая компания сможет начать процесс преобразований. Авторы рассказывают о проверенной методике создания инновационной экосистемы с применением принципов бережливого стартапа, построения бизнес-моделей, развития потребителей и дизайн-мышления.

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Polish rights sold to Helion:

Wbrew pozorom ugruntowana pozycja na rynku może stać się pułapką. Odnoszenie sukcesów nie sprzyja czujności wobec zmian w trendach, a może wręcz przeszkadzać w poszukiwaniu i we wdrażaniu innowacji. Niektórzy liderzy żyją w przekonaniu, że innowacyjność to cecha startupów, a nie dużych korporacji. Tymczasem współczesne turbulentne otoczenie wymaga dynamicznych przemian od każdej organizacji. Jednakże aby wdrożenie innowacji nie zakończyło się spektakularną katastrofą, należy starannie zaplanować i przeprowadzić zmianę. Problematyka ta jest szczególnie ważna dla średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw, w których cały proces związany z innowacją musi zostać zrealizowany inaczej niż w startupie.

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Japanese rights sold to Shoeisha:







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Indonesian rights sold to Elex PT.:

Tinggal bagaimana caranya. Perusahaan perlu panduan; sebuah perjalanan yang bisa memulai proses perubahan organisasi mereka menjadi mesin inovasi. The Corporate Startup adalah panduan tersebut. Buku ini berisi metodologi yang sudah teruji---seperti penerapan prinsip Lean Startup dan sebagainya---untuk membangun budaya inovasi." - Ben Yoskovitz, salah satu penulis Lean Analytics dan Mitra Pendiri Highland BETA.

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Vietnamese rights sold to Saigon Books:

Chúng ta đang sống trong một kỷ nguyên mà đổi mới sáng tạo thực sự rất quan trọng. Không thể phủ nhận rằng thế giới đang thay đổi mỗi ngày. Công nghệ và phần mềm đã thay đổi doanh nghiệp và xu hướng ấy sẽ tiếp tục ngày càng mạnh hơn. Các nhà lãnh đạo công ty phải thực sự ở trong tâm thế “chối bỏ” đặc biệt mới có thể nhìn ra những thay đổi đang ảnh hưởng tới việc kinh doanh của họ. Tránh né không còn là một chọn lựa. Họ cần có động thái đáp trả. Đổi mới sáng tạo không còn bị xem là vai phụ nữa. Giờ đây, nó chính là giải pháp của các doanh nghiệp trong thế kỷ 21 và là động lực chính cho tăng trưởng bền vững.

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Spanish rights sold to Técnologica de Monterrey:

Este libro obtuvo el premio CMI Management Book of the Year Award 2018 en la categoría de innovación y emprendimiento. Una lectura clave para los líderes que describe cómo innovar de manera efectiva para el futuro e impulsar el crecimiento, mientras se ejecuta el negocio principal.
Alex Osterwalder, coautor de Business Model Generation y Value Proposition Design y cofundador de Strategyzer. Las grandes empresas necesitan innovar o morir. La pregunta es cómo. Las empresas necesitan un libro de jugadas; un proceso mediante el cual pueden iniciar el proceso de transformación de sus organizaciones en motores de innovación. La startup corporativa es ese libro de jugadas. Proporciona una metodología probada, que aplica los principios de Lean Startup y más, para construir una cultura de innovación. Ben Yoskovitz, coautor de Lean Analytics and socio fundador de Highline BETA.

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