Monique Bellersen & Inez Kohlmann - Intervision

Dialogue methods in action learning


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What questions have you recently heard that made a decisive impact on your work?

Intervision is a form of expertise development in which professionals call on their colleagues’ peers to help them gain insights into the problems they have at work. A group of five to eight participants unravels a problem submitted by one participant, the case provider, by asking questions using one or another intervision method.

This book explains the top 10 best intervision methods.

Intervision is about how to use intervision as a learning and development tool for individuals, teams and organizations. It will introduce beginners to a method that gives fast results, takes little time to learn, and can be used by any group in any organization. For the more advanced readers, the book fine-tunes intervision to make a deeper contribution to your own development and that of the organization for which you work.

Published in July 2016 | Hardcover | 196 pages | ca. 65,000 words
Over 7,000 copies sold
Full English translation available

Hungarian rights sold to Harmat
English and Dutch editions published by Management Impact

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Monique Bellersen and Inez Kohlmann are management consultants active in the field of intervision. They aspire to further develop intervision and introduce it as a professionalization tool for individuals, teams and organizations around the world. Monique Bellersen established a successful consulting firm early on in her career and gained experience with complex and socially relevant issues. She has worked in China as a visiting lecturer and helped Dutch entrepreneurs achieve their corporate targets in Asia. She guides intervision groups and gives training courses, workshops and presentations on intervision. Inez Kohlmann has advised industry and government on organizational and innovative issues since 1990. She is affiliated with the HAN University of Applied Sciences, where she contributes innovative teaching methods and connects industry and education. Her to-the-point, innovative approach creates sustainable results with both industry and government.



Part 1 Intervision: dialogue methods in action learning

Chapter 1 What is intervision?
Chapter 2 Intervision and change
Chapter 3 Intervision, personal and organizational development
Chapter 4 Intervision in a nutshell
Chapter 5 Phases in the intervision process
Chapter 6 Prerequisites
Chapter 7 Roles
Chapter 8 Case and case question
Chapter 9 What questions should be asked?
Chapter 10 Pitfalls
Chapter 11 Reflection
Chapter 12 Method selector

Part 2 Intervision Methods

Method 1 A4 method: text interpretation
Method 2 Appreciative Inquiry
Method 3 Balint
Method 4 Clinics
Method 5 Gossiping
Method 6 Governance and code of ethics
Method 7 Helpful questions
Method 8 Incident method
Method 9 Ten-step method
Method 10 U procedure

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Hungarian translation published by Harmat:

Az elakadástól a változáson át a kibontakozásig a csoportos akciótanulás tíz módszerével

Milyen kérdést hallottunk mostanában, amelyik előrevitte a munkánkat?

Az intervízió a szakmai tudás fejlesztésének olyan módszere, amelyben közelebbi vagy távolabbi kollégák segítenek egymásnak túljutni a munkájuk során felmerülő nehézségeken, elakadásokon, makacsul ismétlődő kudarcokon és kellemetlen helyzeteken. Az intervízió során egy 5-8 főből álló csoport sok-sok kérdés megfogalmazásával göngyölíti fel az éppen aktuális témagazda esetét. Könyvünk a 10 legjobb intervíziós módszert magyarázza el, amelyek kevés tapasztalattal is megtanulhatóak, hamar eredményre vezetnek, és bármely fejlődni kívánó profitorientált vagy non-profit szervezetben, csoportban használhatóak.

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