Jaap Boonstra - Organizational Change as Collaborative Play

A positive view on change and innovation in organizations


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Organizational Change as Collaborative Play is a playful method for change management in organizations. It shows the dynamics in which professionals play a role and collaborate in preparing their organization for the future. The model offers inspiration and practical tools for those who want to contribute to the development of their organization and themselves.

Organizational Change as Collaborative Play is essential reading for professionals, leaders, (change) managers, board members, advisors and students who are involved with change in their organizations, a crucial task in the present and future of business.

Jaap Boonstra is a professor of Organization Dynamics at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, visiting professor Organizational Change at WU, Vienna University for Economics and Business and lecturer at the Netherlands School of Public Administration in The Hague. As an independent consultant he is involved in change processes in international business firms and social organizations.

Published in August 2019 | Paperback | 256 pages | ca. 80,000 words
Over 7,000 copies sold
Full English and Spanish translations available

Spanish rights sold to Profit Editorial
English and Dutch editions published by Management Impact

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Jaap Boonstra is a professor of Organization Dynamics at ESADE Business School in Barcelona (Spain) and visiting professor Organizational Change at WU, Vienna University for Economics and Business (Austria). He is lecturer at the Netherlands School of Public Administration in The Hague (Netherlands). Before he has been working as professor Organizational Change and Learning at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and as Dean of Sioo, an Inter-university center for organizational change and learning.

At ESADE Business School he is involved in executive education on strategic and cultural change in organizations, organizational and professional development, and transformational leadership. In the CEMS Master International Management he is engaged in courses on excellent consulting, global leadership, and cross-cultural mergers and alliances. His research focuses on transformational leadership, success factors to organizational change and innovation, power dynamics in organizations, cross-cultural management and organizational change and development.

As an independent consultant he is involved in change processes in international business firms and organizational networks in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In addition, he is a member of supervisory and non-executive boards in financial services, the service industry, and public institutes in health and youth care. Jaap has published more than two hundred articles on technological and organizational innovation, management of organizational change, politics in organizations, strategic decision-making and transformational change in production firms, the service sector and public administration. He published more than twenty books, like Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning (Wiley 2004), Changing and Intervening (Wiley, 2007), Organizational Change and Leadership in Organizations (Wiley, 2013), Change Management Adventures (Warden Press, 2016) and Organizational Change as Collaborative Play (Management Impact, 2019).


'Disruptions in our current world has transformed our businesses from uncertain and ambiguous to unpredictable and paradoxical. In this world systematic and reactive change management models will no longer work. Organizational Change as Collaborative Play offers a new approach to inspire change in our organizations through the dynamics of a playful relationship between the different agents. A book that will change the way we transform organizations.
Susanna Sala, Viacom International, The Americas; Senior Vice President HR & Communication & Technology

'In a world of constant business disruptions, this book shines a bright light on how to play with change and embracing change as a positive factor if well-played by different stakeholders. Organizational Change as Collaborative Play brings back excitement and playfulness instead of paralysis and disruption when confronting change. The ideas and models proposed in the book are very helpful and easy to use, whilst loaded with knowledge and real-life experiences. A must read for any professional at this time and age.'
Marcelo Amstalden Möller, Head of Global Portfolio Strategy, Heineken Group B.V.

'Change in organizations is mostly seen and experienced as a painful and threatening passage. This book offers us a new and surprising approach: change as play. How can a playful approach make change real and sustainable? Organizational Change as Collaborative Play offers detailed descriptions of the concept with an abundance of figures and summaries to clarify the complexity we experience in organizational change processes. An attractive book for leaders, managers, students and policy makers.'
Marie-Thérèse Claes, Consultant and coach Cross-cultural management; Professor Cross Cultural management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Professor Global Leadership Louvain School of Management, University of Louvain, Belgium; Former president Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR Europa)

'Fundamental change has always existed, especially in organizations. The big difference today is the managerial vertigo provoked by a whirlwind of accelerated changes in the environment and within the organization itself. In Organizational Change as Collaborative Play professor Jaap Boonstra addresses the topic of constant change in a creative way, looking at the challenge of managing unstable contexts using games as a metaphor. A unique way of diving deep into the managerial challenges of our days and learning about complexity in the most human and simple way: games. Reading is a must.'
Dr. Marcos Eguiguren, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Banking on Values; Professor Business Administration, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Co-founder SingularNet Consulting

'In Organizational Change as Collaborative Play, Jaap Boonstra uses a beautiful and attractive metaphor. Looking at change through the eyes of “play” provides overview, flexibility, optimism, involvement and plurality in all respects. In this book, in-depth knowledge about change processes is shared in a practical and legible way. This makes for a pleasant handbook for leaders, managers, advisors, coaches and students.'
Yvonne Burger, Independent coach for executive teams; Consultant and supervisory board member for societal organizations; Professor Executive coaching and Dean Center for Executive coaching, VU University Amsterdam



1 Exploring the playing field
2 Identifying the players
3 Visualizing the play ambition
4 Understanding play patterns
5 Developing the play concept
Intermezzo : Creating context
6 Elaborating the play concept
7 Organizing play division
8 Introducing play formats
9 Play experiences
Intermezzo : Having Impact
10 Being a player


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Spanish translation published by Profit Editorial:

Un modelo para contribuir al cambio

Los entornos de las organizaciones han experimentado grandes turbulencias en los últimos años. La globalización, la digitalización, la inteligencia artificial y la robótica, la nueva sociología del mercado laboral o el aumento de la complejidad de los mercados han contribuido a una nueva dinámica de incertidumbre y ambigüedad. Las organizaciones están cambiando internamente y en sus relaciones con las demás, pero este cambio puede verse como algo positivo. Este libro, dirigido a estudiantes, profesionales de la transformación organizacional, asesores en procesos de cambio y profesores universitarios y de escuelas de negocios, plantea una dinámica de juego para impulsar el cambio en las organizaciones y gestionarlo de forma exitosa. Un modelo que invita a la interacción y que ofrece un punto de referencia e inspiración a los jugadores que quieren contribuir al cambio y desarrollarse ellos mismos.

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