Mohamed Bouker, Frank Geelen & Nart Wielaard - The CFO in Pole Position

Leading next-generation decision-making in a data-driven organization


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Like in Formula-1 racing, decision-making is crucial for business success and can be the difference between a checkered flag or the gravel pit. Decisions are increasingly made based upon data, but which function within an organization is most suitable to drive the transformation towards a Decision Oriented Organization? An organization that beats competitors based on excellence in decision-making.

In The CFO in Pole Position, Mohamed Bouker and Frank Geelen (partners at Deloitte Consulting) and Nart Wielaard (business author) make a convincing plea to put the CFO behind the wheel of this exciting transformation. With the right CFO, any business can become a Decision Oriented Organization and make the right decision.

You will learn to transform your business into a Decision Oriented Organization, to recognize the different types of decisions and what exactly a CFO needs to do to lead the organization towards success in uncertain times.

Published in December 2020 | Hardcover | 212 pages | ca. 45,000 words
Full English manuscript available
English edition published by Management Impact

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Mohamed Bouker is partner at Deloitte where he leads the Digital Finance practice for Deloitte Netherlands. He is a true believer in the power of data as the driver of businesses transformation.

Frank Geelen is the EMEA Lead Finance Transformation partner within Deloitte Consulting. He is passionate about the adoption of new (digital) technologies and enjoys discovering the ‘art of the possible’ and realizing the subsequent business benefits.

Nart Wielaard was trained as a Certified Public Accountant. He now works as an independent business writer, public speaker and consultant and he helps clients turn complex topics into crisp and compelling stories and has authored multiple award-winning business books.


'The CFO in Pole Position is a must-read for CFOs and their senior finance teams to understand the power of data and revolutionize decision-making. Many organizations focus too much on the technology and short-term decision-making. This book helps CFOs to take the lead in really transforming the company’s decision-making process and focus on what is really important.'
René Hooft Graafland, member of the supervisory board of Ahold Delhaize, Koninklijke FrieslandCampina N.V. and of Lucas Bols N.V., former CFO and member of the executive board of Heineken N.V.

'A highly recommended read for CFO’s who want to lead their organization in taking the best decisions in these turbulent times. It’s not a handbook, but it will definitely inspire finance leaders to go for pole position. The authors make it clear: it’s not only about mastering the technology but, maybe more important, to master the data and act upon it.'
Prof. dr. F.H.M. Verbeeten MBA, professor at Amsterdam Business School and vice Program director Executive Master Finance & Control program at the University of Amsterdam


Management summary

part 1: Setting the scene
Chapter 1: An old new role for CFOs
Chapter 2: Everything changes
Chapter 3: Even in times of radical change, some things will remain the same
Chapter 4: It’s the data, stupid!
Chapter 5: Turbocharging Frederick Taylor

part 2: Three domains of change
Chapter 6: Governance
6.1: Move data governance from the basement into the boardroom
6.2: Make sure you understand the story behind the data
6.3: Don’t be afraid to standardize

Chapter 7: Decision-making
7.1: Look beyond the financial data
7.2: Don’t be a penguin
7.3: Recognize that machines are much better decision-makers

Chapter 8: Organizing
8.1: Reset management control: PDCA every day
8.2: Connect the dots in the data

part 3: Doing is the best kind of thinking
Chapter 9: Design principles for building a Decision Oriented Organization
Chapter 10: Change: Where to begin?

part 4: Decision time
Chapter 11: Timing the wave

About the authors

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