The CFO in Pole Position - Mohamed Bouker, Frank Geelen & Nart Wielaard

In The CFO in Pole Position, Mohamed Bouker and Frank Geelen (partners at Deloitte Consulting) and Nart Wielaard (business author) make a convincing plea to put the CFO behind the wheel of this exciting transformation. With the right CFO, any business can become a Decision Oriented Organization and make the right decision.

Full English manuscript available | Click here for more information


Winning With the Right KPIs - Peter Geelen

In Winning With the Right KPIs, iPM founder and former Performance Manager at Royal Philips Electronics, Peter Geelen shares practical insights to use KPIs effectively and describes an innovative approach that has been battle-tested and proven successfully in practice for more than 15 years. You learn how to set up KPIs that really do improve collaboration, customer value and customer service, and give you buttons you can truly press to realize the ambitions, goals, and dreams of your organization.

Published in English and Dutch | Over 10,000 copies sold | Click here for more information


How to Become a Millionaire With a Regular Job - Oeds-Jan Postma

Having a million in the bank, who wouldn’t dream of this? Never having to work anymore, doing everything you want. But why would you keep dreaming? Anyone can become financially independent. Also on a modest income.

Full English AI translation available | Over 30,000 copies sold | Click here for more information

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