Sebastiaan Kodden - The Art of Sustainable Performance

Model for Recruiting & Selection and Professional Development


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Why does one organization remain successful while others are falling apart or just disappear? Why is one person successful over and over again, while no one expected him or her to be? Please forget everything you think you know about recruiting and selecting the right employees.

Because it really is quite different than you think it is! The secret of winning persons and teams lies in the combination of talent and four important performance indicators, on which -- strangely enough -- many organizations just do not select their employees...

Sebastiaan Kodden studied performance indicators among executives and senior staff of over 1,100 professionals and 50 CEO's of the Dutch best-known companies. His surprising findings put the present recruitment and selection procedures of many Dutch companies in a new perspective. And the book is not only about the theory: it also offers a useful model for recruitment and selection and professional development.

Including various questionnaires and checklists for HR--professionals and executives who want to build sustainable winning teams and organizations.

Published in November 2019 | Paperback | 208 pages | ca. 38,000 words
Full English and German translations available

Vietnamese rights sold to Nha Nam
Summary published by Springer
English and Dutch editions published by Management Impact

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Sebastiaan Kodden is a writer, speaker and researcher in the field of leadership, entrepreneurship and professional development. He works with Nyenrode Business University at the Center for Leadership Management Development. He is the author of Be a Hero, an internationally published bestseller.


'His research shows that talent is useful, but that personality and character are more important for the performance of employees. Sebastiaan Kodden has written a very useful book for managers, human resources specialists and students.'
Dr. José W. Otte (MBA), social innovation researcher with a background in behavioral studies

'They key is not to manage but to develop talent. If this were a thesis, my verdict would be a cum laude graduation. For managers, HR-people, advisors, headhunters and recruiters, teachers and students, this book is a must-read and an eye opener.'

'Knowledge, science, energy and force combined, another great book by Sebastiaan Kodden.'


Prologue: Billy Beane

1. The Importance of Sustainable Development
2. Talent
3. Intelligence, Willpower and Intrinsic Motivation
4. Adaptability
5. Self-efficacy
6. Work Engagement
7. Vigor
8. Organizational Fit
9. Performance Culture – All Blacks
10. The Art of Sustainable Performance: The Zeigarnik Effect

Conclusion and Summary
Professional Development
Organizational Development
Sources of Inspiration
About the Author

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Published in the Springer Briefs series:

This open access book revisits common notions on how to select and recruit the right employees. It reveals that the secret of successful individuals and teams lies in a combination of talent and four important performance indicators, offering an innovative approach that companies can fruitfully adopt.

Bas Kodden has studied key performance indicators among over 1,100 executives, senior staff and professionals, including 50 CEOs from leading Dutch companies. His findings put the present recruitment and selection procedures used by many prominent companies in a new light. Moreover, the book not only addresses theory; it also offers a practically applicable model for recruitment, selection and professional development. In closing, the book includes a variety of questionnaires and checklists for HR professionals and executives whose goal is to build sustainable and successful teams and organizations.

Click here for more information

Vietnamese translation published by Nha Nam:

Steve Job từng nói, “Tuyển người là một quá trình khó khăn, như mò kim đáy bể. Ta không thể biết đủ trong một giờ phỏng vấn. Thế nên, rốt cuộc, ta chỉ có thể dựa vào trực giác của mình.”

Và giờ đây, có một nghiên cứu trình bày và xác nhận trực giác đó. Nghiên cứu được tác giả Sebastiaan Kodden thực hiện dựa trên hơn 1.000 giám đốc điều hành, nhân sự cấp cao và vận động viên chuyên nghiệp.

Qua những tình huống thực tế và lập luận mạch lạc, Sebastiaan Kodden đã hé lộ bí mật của những cá nhân và đội nhóm thành công nhờ kết hợp hài hòa tài năng cá nhân cùng bốn chỉ số quan trọng bậc nhất mang lại hiệu suất cao trong công việc.

Cuốn sách đồng thời còn phát lộ những hiểu biết mới mẻ làm thay đổi tư duy phổ biến về nghề nghiệp của chúng ta.

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