Rudy Kor, Jo Bos & Theo van der Tak - The Project Canvas

Together towards the essence of your project


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Starting a new project is often exciting, a new challenge with new people. But before you know it you’re busy making complex plans and (re)writing several thick project documents. It does not have to be like that.

Before you start writing a whole project contract it would be better to start with a Project Canvas and visualize the essence of the project with all the stakeholders. It is easy to start working without clarifying the key aspects and added value of the project, and who would want to commit themselves to the development. The Project Canvas helps all of those involved.

The Project Canvas is a simple tool to design the project. Stakeholders answer the most important questions, and the completed Canvas gives a clear image of the essence of the project, which becomes the basis for the client’s decision to start or not. Once the decision has been made to start the project, The Project Canvas will be the basis for the project contract, the project plan and the project initiation document (PID).

The Project Canvas is a particularly practical tool for the project leader and team. They are the first to be responsible for designing the project. Whichever approach they choose (Project Management, Project Creation, Scrum, PRINCE2, Agile Project Management, Project Management Body of Knowledge, or others), the Canvas can be used with all methods. The Project Canvas is a quick and effective tool for every project. Interaction, co-creation, visualization, motivation, common language, proactive, open dialogue, ownership and a coherent view, this is The Project Canvas in a nutshell.

Published in September 2016 | Hardcover | With illustrations | 160 pages | ca. 41,000 words
Full German translation available
German rights sold to Schäffer-Poeschel
Dutch edition published by Management Impact

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Rudy Kor is an organizational advisor, trainer and author of several management books.

Jo Bos is owner of a company in organization development. He professionalizes project management and program management, especially in non-profit organizations and government.

Theo van der Tak is an organization advisor, trainer and author of several books on program management, with twenty-five years of experience at Twynstra Gudde. He currently works for his own advising company.



1. The Project Canvas helps with visualizing the idea
2. The fifteen elements of The Project Canvas
3. Creating value with a Project Canvas
4. The four themes of project management
5. Comparing The Project Canvas to Prince2, PMBoK, ISO12500, AgilePM and Scrum

English summary of The Project Canvas
About the authors
Further reading

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German translation published by Schäffer-Poeschel:

Das Buch stellt eine ganzheitliche Methode vor, die die wesentlichen Bausteine des Projekts und die Einbeziehung des Teams in den Fokus nimmt. Als Workbook konzipiert, bietet es viele konkrete Praxisbeispiele und Vorlagen - auch zum Download auf sp-mybook.de.

Ein neues Projekt wird gestartet: Das Thema reizt, das Team ist super, das Budget genehmigt. Doch bevor es richtig losgeht, müssen umfassende Pläne, riesige Excel-Tabellen und Reportingsysteme erstellt werden - bis aller Enthusiasmus verpufft ist. Wie lässt sich ein Projekt einfacher, schlanker und trotzdem zuverlässig und professionell steuern?

Das Buch stellt mit dem Project Canvas eine ganzheitliche Methode vor, die die wesentlichen Bausteine des Projekts und die Einbeziehung des Teams in den Fokus nimmt - von der Visualisierung der Projektidee über die Organisation (Was? Wer? Wie? Bis wann? Womit?) und den Kreativprozess bis zum erfolgreichen Abschluss.

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