Ben Kuiken & Marijne Vos - The Serious Book of Play |
How to create playfulness in organizations |
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There is a remedy for it: start playing, start tinkering! Help others to find their playful self again as consultant. And create some playing space in your work and organization. This is what this book is about -- If you want it to be. The book works the same like magic and making a wish, they only work if you have an open mind when you do it. If you don’t, you might find this a very strange book. Confusing, absurd maybe, but certainly not serious. But this is a VERY serious book. The Serious Book of Play is about people who are stuck in bureaucratic systems, making them do things they feel ashamed for and which they would rather not do, in health care, education, the government, and in companies. The core message of this book is this: those suffocating systems do not exist, they are self-created illusions. Fairy tales. Once you start seeing this, your eyes will be opened, and you will experience personal space to do things better and do the things that really matter. You will experience the space to play.
Ben Kuiken’s parents predicted that their son would become a professor. He studied Philosophy and is currently doing research for his PhD in Sensemaking. That is quite complicated, but luckily he doesn’t forget to play. He is author of the books The Last Manager and Think Different, in which he can combine the things he likes doing best, reading, researching, and writing. And playing of course. The work of Marijne Vos was best summarized by her son: ‘Mama creates games for adults, because work can be so much more joyful’. She is an organizational advisor and facilitator, and has experience in change management, appreciative inquiry, business model canvas, design thinking, and new organizing. She combines her experience to create playful working methods for organizations. |
‘A book like this deserves to be read in an unusual manner. The Serious Book of Play is eye-candy and longs for a prominent place on your coffee table. The exquisite graphic design is wonderful and makes you happy. The pleasure in making this book leaps off the pages, which was exactly the intention of Ben Kuiken and Marijne Vos. They have turned playing and crafts into an artform which will inspire consultants in every area to make their work more colorful, as well as their customers and organizations. The book is filled with working methods, various roles of the consultant, and inspiring interviews with experts who talk about taking a different approach. And having the courage to do so.’ |
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