Polarisation - Bart BrandsmaPolarisation is a practical method for professionals to deal with us versus them dynamics in communication, journalism, politics, government, management, education, police and nearly every branche that has to find an answer for the growing polarisation.
Tricky Times - Jitske Kramer“Jitske Kramer doesn’t simply describe the modern experience of burgeoning cultural change that is infected by tricksters and false prophets, she also offers sound advice for handling it all. In these times of relentless uncertainty, one thing is certain: we need this book.”
Voodoo - Jitske KramerJitske Kramer is invited by a voodoo priest to spend a week in Togo and experience ancient rituals and voodoo ceremonies. In a midnight ritual she does a naked cleansing in the sacred forest, she dances to the rythm of the gods, learns her fate, gets rid of negative energies and receives leadership lessons from an almost hundred years old voodoo priest who has skulls hanging from his waist.
Think Different - Ben KuikenIn Think Different, organizational philosopher Ben Kuiken uses insights from 2,500 years of philosophy to think, look, and talk differently about the organization and the problems that pop up continuously. What are the assumptions that underlie these problems? And what would you gain by taking a different perspective? In this book, you will find the tools to create new solutions to tenacious problems. And maybe they even disappear once and for all. Click here for more information |
The Serious Book of Play - Ben Kuiken & Marijne VosThis book is nothing like ordinary books at all, yet it is very serious about evoking more play in the arsenal of the consultant. Philosophical, practical, humorous, serious, and inspiring. The Serious Book of Play is it all -- and nothing like this at all. Click here for more information |
Free, Equal, and Together - Damaris MatthijsenFree, Equal, and Together is for everyone who searches for ways to work towards a society that benefits humans and Earth. Will you be kissed awake?
Manimal - Maarten ReesinkManimal is an introduction into the fast growing field of Human-Animal Studies, which assembles insights from various disciplines like, philosophy, art, sociology, law, biology, and more. This book teaches you to look at animals with a different view, the view of an animal person. Click here for more information |
Hydropolitics - Haroon SheikhIn Hydropolitics, Haroon Sheikh analyses the dynamics on the seven seas. He describes the relations between powerful countries and powerful maritime nations, between the waters and trade, and the innovative spirit of naval powers. With special attention for the role of the Netherlands and for the changing relations between the USA, a traditional naval force par excellence, and China, a long-established force on land.
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