Joost Crasborn & Ellis Buis - How-to-Book For Coaching |
Tips, Models and Questions For Individual Work-Related Coaching |
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As a coach you want to move people, you want to empower them to set their own course with more strength and confidence. You use a wide spectrum of methods and techniques, but sometimes you need to know how to deploy a specific intervention with more accuracy. The How-to-Book For Coaching teaches you this, in practical How-to-language. How do you start a good confrontation? How do you respond to stress? How do you broaden ones perspective? How do you work with polarities? And how do you do nothing? In thirty How-to’s, you read example dialogues, questionnaires, conversational models and checklists. In addition, the authors have introduced a solid vision on coaching. This makes the How-to-Book For Coaching a valuable and practical book for everyone that is working as a professional coach or learning to become one. Filled with tips and interventions, it is a practical reference book for every coach and anyone working on their own development. |
Joost Crasborn is an experienced coach and senior trainer and founder of his company Crasborn Coaching. He focusses on individual and group coaching programs and coaching and leadership training. Previous books include The Big Book On Coaching Leadership and How To Coach My Team. He uses five core principles for everything he does: keep it simple, focus on what works, take action from ambition and strength, celebrate your successes and be open and direct. Ellis Buis is a trainer and coach, both independently and for several large Dutch educational organizations. Most of her training and coaching activities involve written communication but she also provides training programs on oral interaction, like feedback and presentation. |
‘It is nearly impossible to find a more practical book than this one. A source of inspiration that urges you to start working with the ideas right away. With much attention for the most important coaching skills, listening and asking questions, giving feedback and looking for confrontation. You know how it is done, but this book offers solution for how to do this in the best way. And there is a wide range of topics in the How-to’s and this book is an excellent reference book for each part of each coaching program. The How-to-Book For Coaching is a wonderful book for everyone that wants to develop their coaching skills and be successful in coaching their employees or clients.’ |
Introduction PART I – Our vision on coaching PART II How-to’s 1 How to take care of the most important instrument PART III – A coaching benchmark Epilogue |
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